• Weekly Reading Assignment

    A “Good” Student in Common Sense Education

    This week in class we read two articles:  A History of Education and Preparing Teachers for Crisis: What It Means to Be a Student. To summarize A History of Education  introducuces us to the ideas of education in China and India. We are told the way that society works and how this inadvertently affects the classroom. The article Preparing Teachers for Crisis: What it means to Be a Student walks the reader through a teachers experiences and struggles with students. They explained that students are not bad or unwilling to learn but may not learn in the same way as other students do and that we must adpat and consider students past. Teacher, learning and helping girl in classroom for writing, studying or assessment. Teaching, development and kid or student with happy woman for education assistance with notebook in kindergarten.

    To be a “good” student according to commonsense a child must sit quiet when asked to, follow along with the class, and learn in a manner that is similar to every other child. Also, to be considered a “good”  student a child must come into a classroom with no past knowledge or information from past experiences, parental advice, or wrong information.

    A “good” student is shaped by historical factors because a student brings every experience from their past with them into a classroom. Whether good or bad a student is influenced from these experiences and the way we teach must be altered for them.