About Laura Erickson

I live and teach in the Yukon. I recently moved from Mayo to Whitehorse with my husband, two step-children, and one good dog. I lived in Mayo for over 11 years; before that, I lived in Ross River, another Yukon community. I am currently an Instructor at Yukon University in the YNTEP and Early Learning programs. I use technology in my teaching but not very much in my private life. I am not on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc as I am not comfortable with the loss of privacy. I am hoping this course helps me find ways to use technology in ways that stretch my comfort zone a bit.

A few thoughts on blended and online learning

Hi everyone. I have taught in the Early Learning and Yukon Native Education Teaching Program (YNTEP) at Yukon University in Whitehorse for the last 7 years. I began this work as early learning educators in Yukon communities had to remote into Whitehorse classes for their education. If anyone has tried to teach or learn using a hybrid method of blended learning, you will know that this program’s delivery is lacking.

Student engagement and success were low, and I was hired to start a pilot program. I was living in the community of Mayo, and students from a nearby community of Pelly Crossing were combined to make a class with Mayo students. I taught for one week in Mayo, with the Pelly students remoting into class. The next week I traveled to Pelly, and the Mayo students had a turn at learning remotely. This course delivery method was successful as the students could have face-to-face time with an instructor, which was lacking in the hybrid model. More communities were added to the mix, COVID happened, and nobody traveled anywhere. It didn’t matter for me or my students, as we were already zooming. YNTEP students were added to my teaching responsibilities, my family and I moved to Whitehorse, and the rest is history.

Despite the amount of time I have spent either teaching fully online or with blended learning, there is more to learn. I have been very successful in making connections with my students, in spite of the barrier of the computer screen. I think it is easier for adults to connect online with their instructor. I have heard the stories of how some of you had to teach during COVID. That sounds very hard and your tenacity and creativity must be acknowledged!

Clapping hands isolated on white

I was surprised to learn in our first class that blended learning can mean many things. It can occur when technology is used as an aid in the classroom. I was using blended learning for most of my classroom teaching career, I just didn’t know it. I used blended learning when I was teaching in a hybrid model. I am now teaching fully online. The challenge for me is how I can improve the quality of my online teaching. I connected with what Tony Bates said in the introductory video for Chapter Four. The key to teaching with an online focus is quality and design of the content is key. Bates was referring to pedagogy or the art of teaching. The picture below will look very familiar to  those of you who took EDL 829.

While the model refers to effective teaching for Indigenous students, I apply it to all of my teaching. I believe that Bates is referring to “Connection to process” section when he discusses the design of the course is how content is adjusted in order for it to be used effectively. If the needs of the students are met with effective pedagogical teaching strategies, responsible self-directed learners can be the result. This is important as students must be self-directed when leaning online.

I use Moodle as the platform for my online teaching and have much freedom in how I design my courses. I am looking forward to applying the ideas of quality to the design of my courses.

Will AI technologies revolutionize education for the future?

I was looking forward to this debate. It was the last debate and the first one where I was still determining how to vote before the debate started. I still don’t know how to vote. I kept going back and forth with my decision, depending on what was being said.

I agree

I agree with the benefits of AI for educators presented by Rokhsareh and Haniey. They stated that AI can create personalized learning experiences, help with assessment and feedback to students, assist in planning and revising curriculum, enhance collaboration and engagement, and be a time saver for teachers.

I introduced ChatGPT to my YTNEP students as I am instructing a course on the teaching of writing. I wanted to share what I learned in this class with them, as they will soon be confronted with ChatGPT when they begin teaching. I was surprised that they did not know very much about it and had never tried it. It was fun to see their faces when I asked ChatGPT to create a marking rubric for a writing assignment. One of the students asked it a question in French, and received a reply in the same language. That was entertaining.  Another student is on a special diet and asked it to create a list of recipes for her. We also discussed the ethics behind using ChatGPT in the classroom. I shared this Youtube video with the class. It shows how ChatGPT helped with correcting an error in writing code. This assist can be applied to helping students with math, chemisty or physics problems.

This story shows how AI technologies can personalized learning experiences, help with assessment and feedback to students, and be a time saver for teachers; all benefits presented by Rokhsareh and Haniey.

I disagree

I found myself agreeing with George and Kanwai when it was their turn to present their arguments. I believe it was Kanwai who said, “AI is a tool of support but it can’t teach you how to be a good human being.” Another point they made was that AI is not to replace teachers but to increase their ability. The issue of creativity was addressed; AI can enhance teacher creativity but not replace it. I agreed with their point that there is a lack of trust with AI. This is a huge barrier for some people, I know it is a barrier for me.

What next?

I needed some time to think about the issues raised during the debates. I also wanted to reflect on the experience of sharing ChatGPT with pre-service teachers as they are part of the future of education. I know I seriously need this book:

This quote best sums my thoughts. It is from John Spenser’s blog “Human Skills in a World of Artificial Intelligence”

This is good advice for all of us. We can not predict what the future holds or where AI will take us so perhaps there isn’t an answer for Debate #6. I think that the unknown future is showing us that teachers are more important than ever before.

Summary of Learning

This is my summary of learning. I have made videos before this course, but this is the first time I have uploaded one on Youtube. I figured it out, which shows how much I have learned in this course. Here it is, for better or worse.

I enjoyed this course and learning with all of you!