A Journey with Technlogy

Month: January 2022

Course Profile Planning

Design a blended online learning course was the task given to us this past week in EC&I 834. Select an LMS, collaborate and develop a blended online course with potential synchronous and asynchronous components. In collaboration with Brianne McFetridge and Bret McMann we have put together an overview of a grade 8 science course in – Cells and Structure.


Course Development Profile

A. Course  – Life Science – Cells and Systems

This course will follow the Saskatchewan Curriculum guidelines for the Grade 8 Science – Life Science – Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems – Focusing on outcomes CS8.1, CS8.2, CS8.3 and CS8.4.

B. Course Outcomes and Indicators

The outcomes of this course are prescribed as per the Saskatchewan Curriculum and a variety of indicators will be covered throughout the course. 
CS8.1 Analyze the characteristics of cells, and compare structural and functional characteristics of plant and animal cells.
CS8.2 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of a compound light microscope to observe plant and animal cells.
CS8.3 Distinguish structural and functional relationships among cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems in humans and how this knowledge is important to various careers.
CS8.4 Analyze how the interdependence of organ systems contributes to the healthy functioning of the human body.

C. Course Guiding Questions

1. What makes a cell a living organism?
2. How does it function?
3. How are single and multicellular organisms different from each other?
4. What does it mean to have selectively permeable membranes?
5. How do diffusion and osmosis transfer liquids and gasses in cells?
6. How do you use a microscope effectively to observe cells?
7. How are plant and animal cells different from one another?
8. Why are cells the basic unit of life?
9. What is cell theory?
10. How are cells used to create the other portions of the human body?
11. How do systems function together to make the multicellular human body function?
12. How do the systems of the human body react to internal or external stimuli and change?

D. Target Audience and Timeline

This course is intended for students that are in a Saskatchewan based school at the middle years level. Specifically students that are in a grade 8 or 7/8 split classroom. The course will span over a four week period where adaptations and flexibility can be utilized at the teachers discretion based on the needs of the classroom.

E. Course Format 

This course will follow a blended model with face to face and online components. Students will be able to access this course synchronously from school or asynchronously from home. The synchronous component will be school based with hands-on science components (labs) and potential group work. The asynchronous component will have prepared video lessons by the teacher or the use of you-tube supported material.  

F. Course LMS and Toolset

Throughout this course Google Classroom will be utilized along with a variety of online tools to deliver content, practice skills, provide a variety of learning opportunities to engage all types of learners. The following are examples of possible student tools that will be used throughout the course:

Google Workspace for Education
You-Tube Videos

G. Course Communications

The classroom teacher can decide which method of communication will be most suitable for the students and parents to be connected with the course. Suggested options for quick communication between teacher/student and teacher/parent could be as follows:

EDBSY – for messaging daily or weekly short announcements about due dates and reminders to students about resources to bring to school for the course

School Board based teacher email for larger concerns about student behaviors or help needed by teacher

Google Calendar for due dates of course assignments and the suggested learnings of the week.

A Google Meet or Zoom to have synchronous online teaching and class discussion. 

H. Course Assignments

Students can access all assignments, assessments and due dates using Edsby and/or Google Calendar.

If students will be absent for long periods of time, students will be able to access course material through Google Classroom and can complete all assignments independently.

Students can submit all assignments and assessments using the turn in tab once they are completed.

Assignments and expectations will vary for each module. As well, assignments will vary depending on students’ needs.

I. Course Materials

The course will utilize a variety of materials in order to reach the variety of diverse learners in the room. It is advised that students have access to the following materials both at school and at home.

Pearson Science 8 – Saskatchewan Resource is available online through school division access and in classroom provide by school division library services.

Access to devices both in the classroom and at home that are able to connect internet service.

Access to Headphones for in classroom work with videos.

Access to lab equipment while in class learning

J. Course Assessment

Course assessment; both formative and summative assessment will be completed virtually and in class. Students will work through summative assessments such as labs, research and express understanding through blog type activities in addition to a culminating course Summary of Learning. As well students will work through various types of formative assessments like Menti, Kahoot, Google Forums, Entrance/Exit Slips, and unit quizzes/tests.  

Hard copies will be provided for those students without regular access to technology and internet outside of the classroom.

K. Course Attendance

As per government law attendance in school is mandatory whether in person or online via zoom or google meets. Flexibility can occur when students aren’t able to attend for various different reasons that are approved by teacher, administration and parent.

L. Course Concerns

With an learning scenario there are always concerns that will need to be addressed. The following is a reflection of the potential areas of concern for delivering this course.

1. Internet and Technology Access can be assured during synchronous learning, however uncertainty lies with asynchronous learning at home.

2. EAL Learners will be encouraged to use Google Translate for words and phrases they do not understand. 

3. EAL learning will be asked to record a glossary of terms in English and their native language.

4. Student awareness of LMS use and Technology Skills to complete this course will be pre-taught to ensure student success.

5. Lack of engagement from the students – desire to interact on camera during class discussions.

6. Maintaining structure and flow of lessons if students are sometimes face to face and other times online.

M. Rationale For Design

This course was designed to effectively engage and meet the needs of all learners. As we continue to evolve in education we recognize that there can be adjustments made in our teaching methods and strategies. Students deserve an education that is relevant and concurrent with the pace and needs of our digital world. By providing students with the opportunity to learn in a variety of ways, by learning through and with technology hopefully we can prepare them to be digitally literate.

Slowly Evolve, Rapid Pivot and Embrace Change

Not So Long Ago

Slowly Evolve

A traditionalist early on in my career, the overhead projector displayed my well thought out transparencies to go along with my lecture. The hands on science activities brought the classroom alive with movement and guided discovery. Pencils/Paper and the use of textbooks engaged the students for a period of time as they wondered about science. An advancement in classroom technology changed my ways from transparencies to google slides as a way to teach my lessons to my students. With practice my lessons became more visual, videos played and the learning became more interactive for the student with the use of an interactive projector. Alas the final piece the connection for students with the technological tool in their hands, freedom from the pencil, but strapped with not enough to go around. Excitement when the laptop cart rolled into the room, disappointment and less engagement when they had to share with a partner. Technology had become a part of education and were weren’t turning back to the age of transparencies.

“Technology on its own is not enough.”

Steve Jobs
A Realistic Thought on the First Day of Class

A week into E&CI 834 and I wonder so if the above illustration is a decent working definition of blended learning, what on earth does that really mean? What does it look like? How do we know we are accomplishing this model of teaching in our classrooms? As an educator I have brought in what I believed to be a variety of different teaching practices that have incorporated technology into the classroom but has that truly been a model of online learning or simply a method of design. As I read through the course reading by Bates, this week I have discovered that it is more likely that I am adjusting my design rather than implementing a model of learning within my classroom. In order for my learning space to be considered a Blended, HyFlex or Full Online classroom the method in which I implement the course along with the strategies of design would significantly have to change.


Rapid Pivot

A drastic change from face to face – teacher/student daily connection into an online learning model that was not planned for or understood by many. A place that felt disconnected, boring and uneventful throughout the day. In March of 2020 the challenge was forced upon us as educators to create an online learning space where students were engaged and connected with classmates and teachers. However, this new place of learning was not thought out, time was not given to develop a plan or allow students time to practice and establish routine, nor was time given to improve our knowledge base of particular Learning Management System. Simply pivot into whatever felt like it would work was the direction given for my first experience with what might have been a true model of online learning. Diving right into what felt like chaos my teaching partner and I went with Google Classroom and Seesaw as that is what our students were most familiar with. I’ve now discovered that neither of these platforms are true LMS but do work as a decent digital tools that are simple for the teacher, student and parent to access and be involved in a blended or remote learning experience.


Embrace Change

Through what has felt like chaos, opportunity lies ahead. Opportunity to move forward to create an engaging learning space within the constraints of a traditional model (face to face). Having the opportunity to review the Bates model of blended learning the his diagram below has given me confidence that I already do some of this so called “Blended Learning” quite well in my classroom. Moving forward the question becomes how can I improve on my learned skills that I have gained through the pandemic chaos?


The challenges that I feel exist for me as an educator in trying to develop a blended online learning space within the walls of my classroom are as follows.

  1. Developing a working definition of blended learning.
  2. Time to invest in learning more about the LMS that exist and then designing a course that would utilize that LMS.
  3. The need for technology and data to be in the hands of all my students.
  4. The willingness of the school board to be more flexible with programing and scheduling.
  5. Time to develop the interest of both the student and the parent of such a course.
  6. Fostering connections with like minded colleagues to develop a COP.
  7. Learning to connect with students via online platforms while still feeling connect.

As I continue to discover the modalities and designs that can be put in place to develop an effective online learning classroom I encourage educators to take risks. Not everything is going to work out the way we plan it. With risk we grow and learn together.

Further thought and discussion to be had.

The Learning Journey

An Introduction of Me

The journey continues, 20 years ago when I was completing my internship my cooperating teacher said “if you’re not evolving an changing with the times, then are you still being an effective teacher?” Here I sit “blogging” several years into my teaching career taking my second masters class in order to keep up with the ever changing times in education. Are there days when I feel like a dinosaur and technology illiterate,  absolutely.

My name is Leona Stephen and this is my 19th year teaching with Regina Public Schools. During my career I have had a variety of different experiences, I spent 14 years at Balfour Collegiate teaching science and physed, being a Core Leader of science, as well as coaching the Senior Girls Volleyball team. After my 13th year at Balfour, I had an itch to try something new, so I made an application to become a Science Specialist at one of the new P3 elementary schools that were being built in Regina.

Last day at Balfour Collegiate, 2017

September of 2017 I started teaching at Harbour Landing Elementary School. What a learning curve for four years, two years teaching 3-8 science and 2 years in a 7/8 classroom. So many great memories and fabulous colleagues. To start out my 19th year I made the move back to high school, my true love, the place where I feel connected with my students.  I am currently teaching at W.F Johnson Collegiate in Science and Physical Education.

Today I feel nervous and excited to continue my learning journey as a student and educator. I am excited to be a part of ESCI 834 this term because I feel like I’m going to grow and learn significantly from my engagement in class and with my peers. I’m nervous because I’ve always shied away from using technology, simply ask my students I often say several times a week “technology and I have a love hate relationship.”

This term my goals for class would be to become more adept and well versed in the use of online platforms as teaching tools. To gain more confidence to use new technology more regularly in my science and physed classrooms. Lastly, to enjoy the journey of learning from dinosaur to tech savvy.

Until next class!