Hello, my name is Paityn Ireland, and welcome to my Professional ePortfolio. I am currently studying towards my Degree in Education at the University of Regina. I am from a small town in Saskatchewan called Moosomin. Teaching has always been a dream of mine, and this portfolio will be there to show my growth, and path in becoming a teacher.
Throughout elementary school I was always involved in everything, I played soccer, dance, drama, figure skating, synchronized skating, hockey, softball, badminton, basketball, my parents always said “you never know if you like something until you try it” and that is something I now try and live my life by. Eventually, as I got older I narrowed my activities down to soccer, basketball, and softball, which were my favorites which I always loved. I also started babysitting for many families within my community and it was something I always enjoyed.
During high school, I also had many jobs but my favorite was working at the Moosomin’s Family Resources Centre at their Summer Reading Program for the past 4 years (unfortunately couldn’t work there this past year during the pandemic). This job helped to inspire me on my career path, I really enjoyed working with the kids all summer, and I made some great memories there.
One hope that I have is traveling, I love going to new places and exploring. Even though my traveling has been limited to this continent so far in my life I am hoping to visit lots of new countries and experience new cultures. A dream of mine is to teach aboard after getting my degree, I want to see the world, and there is much out there. Unfortunately, right now most traveling has been brought to a stop with COVID-19. Recently I have also discovered that I love hiking, the views and beautiful and it is a great way to be physically active.