Place Based
Place-Based Education is about location and using what is around to educate students. As teachers, we have lots of resources at our disposal and the environment is one of them. We can take our students outdoors to teach them and make connections with the environment. This also lines up with using indigenous ways of knowing within lessons and make a connection between nature and the curriculum. This strategy can also help to get students involved within the community.

Play Based
Play-based learning is about letting the child explore and learn important skills by themselves. Play-based learning is mostly used in early-childhood education. This is to allow children to play, it is open-ended and they choose it themselves. The goal of this would be to inspire curiosity in young children that will follow them through the rest of their lives.

Complex Organizers
Complex organizers are used in the classroom to help organize thoughts. They can also help to simplify and they are a way to visibly display information in a clear way. They can be used to so relationships, and facts. These can both be given to students to gather information of they can be student created.

This is when we let students learn from different experiences. The goal of this to learn differently and/or learn new skills during an experience and during the reflection practice after. The reflection is a key part of experiential learning, it is the connection piece, and then students looking back on what they just did and what they got from it. These are students-centered activities instead of teacher-centered.

Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry-based learning is when we let students lead the way in their own learning. When students guide their learning they are often more engaged with the content. This is also a way for some of the responsibility of learning to be shifted on the student and they must take ownership of their own learning. This strategy can also understand a deeper understanding, and it reinforces the curriculum.

Art Infused
This is when integrating art, in any form whether it be drama, dance, music, or visual into other subject areas. This allows students to explore concepts through art, and this can also allow students to express themselves. This method is also cross-curricular with art and another subject of choice. By bringing art into other subject areas we are allowing for more diverse learning within the classroom, and this way of teaching can reach all different types of learners.

This is when students work within groups, and they learn together in a cooperative way. When working together students can bounce ideas off each other and learn together. Working in a group also teaches students how to work with other people, and also improves their interpersonal and communication skills. An important part of this is to make sure all group members have a purpose within the group and contribute to the learning. Often when working within groups students can be more positive and more productive.

A manipulative is an object that can be used for learning and to help better understand a lesson. Manipulatives are mostly used in math, but can also be brought into other subjects. They are used to help students better understand and make connections between concepts. Manipulatives also can help with student engagement.