Since my learning Project involves me learning sign language, I thought it would be interesting to see if there was a Chrome extension to aid people who are hearing impaired. It turns out there are actually several. I found two I like and will probably use because they will help me learn sign language. The first one is “Sign Language for Netflix and Disney“. I really enjoyed using it.. except because I don’t know sign language I found that I was watching the signs more then the movie..  It took me a couple of tries to figure it out, but it is pretty easy. Basically, you just log into your Netflix account. I would recommend finding your movie first because I am working on my laptop and it covered up the search bar.  There are limited choices so far, but I picked Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. After I had picked my movie, I logged into my Sign Language extension, and clicked on the movie. There is a search bar there, so you can choose other movies. I made sure both the movie and the u tube video of the sign language for the movie were right at the start, and then pushed play for both… Not too hard! I have added a video below so that you can see how it is done.

Sign Language for Netflix and Disney


The addition of sign language to a classroom can have benefits and so I feel these extensions can as well. Obviously the first one is so that those who are hard of hearing or hearing impaired can communicate and feel like a part of the classroom. Movies seem to be a large part of classroom entertainment now, so if a teacher had a hearing impaired person in class, this extension is a great benefit. Sign does have other advantages. Students who are non-verbal, or having language delay issues can use sign to communicate as well. It can be used with second language learners in a simplified form as an aid to communication, and it can keep all students engaged and it can benefit visual learners. We are also benefitting students any time we teach them inclusion – In this case enabling them to communicate with a person who may have difficulty with speech. Learning a second language has been proven beneficial and it is also fun!

This brings me to my second chrome extension… Sign Search. Sign Search is basically a dictionary. You can type in a word and the equivalent sign comes up. I have added some pictures down below.

As you can see, it is simple. Type in a word and up comes the sign along with a little video at the bottom of the page. Again, it is useful in the classroom because it makes looking up words easier then doing a google search.

I hope you have fun playing with these new extensions. I know I am…


Emma Robertson · September 28, 2022 at 6:34 pm

Wow! These are great extensions, and they will be so useful in the classroom! I really like the extension that adds sign language to movies. Movies and videos are shown very often in classrooms because they are so easy to project on to a Smartboard, so having this accessibility feature will be so helpful! Thanks for sharing!

Jozelle Sumat · September 29, 2022 at 8:29 pm

this is awesome! it makes a classroom more inclusive! what a great extension! thanks for sharing!

Jordyn McEachern · September 29, 2022 at 8:47 pm

This is very interesting. I never would have thought something like this existed. As someone who else is learning/exploring ASL this gives me more ideas of what I’d be interested in digging into for the future. I love this!

Ava Viczko · October 3, 2022 at 3:31 pm

What an amazing extension, thank you so much for sharing! This is such a good way to have equality in your classroom as well as a great resource for people learning ASL. I really appreciated how you included a video on how to do it. Thank you for sharing!

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