Future woman with cyber technology eye panel concept New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it. ~ David Wong.

As someone who is embracing the culture of technology in my everyday life, I couldn’t agree less with this statement. Technology in itself is fluid and can only be labelled as evil’ when used wrongly and good’ when used rightly.

Some days I find technology extremely helpful to have a productive day, from scheduling to daily routine tracking and ample information at my fingertips; it makes me sometimes wonder how slow and dark life would have been without it.

But, some days too, I get stuck with my phone, my eyes fixed like glue to that glowing screen, helplessly hooked to TikTok, so much so that I don’t hear my clock tick. This leaves me in a scuffle of juggling these things for a productive day. Here is how I do it:

Balance: I am learning to put the edge in and strike a balance by placing the right dose of routines at the right time. I have been able to do this by tracking my screen time by making the screen less appealing (grayscale mode). ( Switching off notifications from social apps that I find irresistible to ignore. Setting my phone timer to remind me how long I have spent on an app.

Priority: I start my day list with what is most important. I usually have a mental note of how my day should go the night before, what comes first, and what shouldn’t. It makes the next step easy.

Organization: I stay organized daily with these digital tools: Google Calendar, Sharepoint, and Outlook. They help me manage my coursework, assignments, and study schedules effectively. They also have features like shared calendars, task boards, and note-taking capabilities, which allow for a streamlined approach to managing tasks and deadlines.

My day-to-day digital tools and apps.
Here are my daily apps and websites that I use to maximize productivity.

For organizing and research:
Google Calendar is a time management and scheduling calendar service that helps me organize my activities and events. Click on this link to learn how to use a Google calendar effectively.

Outlook: I connect, organize, and get things done with my Outlook app. It brings my email, calendar, files, contacts, and office apps all into one place; it’s like a merger; it brings everything together. Outlook has web and app versions that you can install on your computer or mobile phone.

Sharepoint is a safe place to store, organize, and share information. I also use it for research.
Google and Chrome: I use these websites to research coursework and assignments.

Emails: Amazingly, I use my email to create a to-do list. I also share and receive coursework and study schedules via email.

For leisure:

WhatsApp: I turn in here to relax, catch up with the gist, and log off once my screen time is over. I also turned off the notification so I didn’t get distracted while studying.

TikTok is A double-edged app with informative content and engrossing entertainment too. I strongly adhere to my phone timer with this one, so I don’t lose it!
I haven’t gotten a perfect grip on technology and my daily routine, but I am sure that with consistency and discipline, I will establish a healthy relationship with technology.

3 thoughts on “MY DAILY TECH HABITS

  1. Hi Sandra!

    Your reflections on the dual nature of technology are both insightful and relatable. It’s refreshing to see how you’re consciously striving to find balance and productivity amidst the allure of digital distractions. Your strategies for managing screen time, prioritizing tasks, and staying organized with digital tools are fantastic tips for anyone looking to optimize their day. I appreciate your honesty about the challenges you face and your determination to establish a healthy relationship with technology. Keep up the great work!

    • Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! It’s heartwarming to know that my reflections resonated with you. Balancing technology and productivity can indeed be a delicate dance, but it’s essential for maintaining well-being in this digital age.

  2. Hello Sandra

    Thank you for sharing your thoughtful reflections on the role of technology in our lives. I completely agree with your perspective that technology itself is neutral, and its impact depends on how we choose to use it. Your strategies for balancing technology use, such as using grayscale mode and switching off notifications, are practical and relatable. Prioritizing tasks and using tools like Google Calendar, Outlook, and SharePoint for organization demonstrates a proactive approach to managing your time effectively. Your honesty about the challenges of staying productive while navigating the distractions of apps like TikTok is refreshing. It’s great to see that you’re actively working towards a balanced and disciplined relationship with technology.

    Looking forward to reading more about your journey!

    Nikol Ostrovski

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