Throughout the semester I have contributed to others learning on blogs/eportfolios, and twitter mainly. However, I definitely could have done better in this area this semester.
The blogs were definitely a good place stay connected to people, and it was interesting to see what everyone was doing. A few of the blogs I commented on were Tracey, Shelly, and Madeline. I also tried to keep up with comments on my own posts, if someone commented I would go and reply to them (and try to comment on their posts).
The main place I contributed was on twitter. I mainly shared resources but also responded to others tweets. I also participated in a few #edchats, I went to #resiliencechat and #saskedchat which were both awesome and gave me the opportunity to connect with other teachers/ education students.
I didn’t really post on slack very much, as it wasn’t really my thing. I did share this list of all the #edchats.

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