The use of audio-visual materials in education is crucial today since it improves student learning. This is one of the reasons why the usage of audio-visual aids in teaching and learning has grown over time. Students can now share knowledge with others much more quickly and with instant access. Additionally, learners can now comprehend ideas and concepts more quickly and better. There are numerous different audio-visual aids accessible in the modern world such as videos, music clips, flip charts, slideshow presentations, and overhead transparencies there resources have proven essential in schools across all learning environments, from early childhood education to adult education. With the use of these resources, children have been able to concentrate more readily and acquire and remember more knowledge. As audiovisual technology has become more widely used, communication has changed and teachers can use these advances in the classroom to enhance teacher-student collaboration.
Teaching aids, according to Sunder (2010), improve teaching ability, draw in and hold learners’ interest, and make the teaching-learning process more participatory and knowledge-centered. In order to make the teaching-learning process result-oriented, simple, efficient, and interesting for both teachers and students, there is a clear need for and importance of teaching aids. When it comes to teaching a new or abstract idea that could be challenging to understand or comprehend, audio-visual aids are essential. Teachers can show concepts to students using audiovisual aids in cases when they might otherwise be difficult to explain. I am a science teacher and I remember when I was teaching in a school in India most of the students faced difficulty to learn difficult topics such as photosynthesis, the naming of a chemical compound, and mole concepts. At that time, I usually used audio-visual aids so that students can understand the concepts easily.
Moreover, different people have various ways of processing, absorbing, and remembering information. Some people are aural learners, meaning they process information best by hearing it rather than reading it. Others, who prefer to learn by looking, are visual learners and respond better to information presented in this manner. teachers can appeal to at least two different learning styles by using audiovisual aids while presenting the material. Additionally, Udomon, Xiong, Berns, Best, and Vike’s (2013) study on the effects of visual, and auditory on memory retention and recall showed that using two or more senses to learn information greatly improves retention and recall. The likelihood that information will be remembered is higher when it is delivered in both audio and visual formats. These tools generally help students better engage with the information and motivate them to study and they make it possible to communicate information in greater depth and detail.
Furthermore, The children’s television program Sesame Street was the first of its kind to use a precise and thorough educational curriculum, with specified educational aims, in its material. Sesame Street had its public broadcasting television debut in 1969. The show’s outreach objectives were met during its first season by a comprehensive and ground-breaking promotional campaign that was directed at children and their families living in low-income, inner-city homes because these populations tended to not watch educational television programs and because conventional methods of promotion and advertising were ineffective with them. A number of instructional resources for preschool settings were created by the producers for later seasons. According to a study published in the journal Early Childhood Education by Television: Lessons from Sesame Street, Sesame Street viewers, in particular those from lower-income areas, were found to be better prepared for school than their counterparts who did not watch Sesame Street. In comparison to their peers, children who watched Sesame Street scored higher on tests in science and English, had higher overall GPAs, read more books, valued achievement more, and were seen to be more creative.
In conclusion, audio-visual aids are essential to learning in a variety of ways, including the fact that they can be used with different learner types. Additionally, by connecting the audio-visual tools to the outside world, educators can use them to motivate students by demonstrating how the ideas they have learned can be used. The use of audio-visual aids in teaching and learning is advantageous because they engage the learner’s eyes, ears, touch, and possibly feelings in addition to their senses of sight and sound.
Thank you for your post, and your reflection! I am curious to hear more about how AV tools were used in your classroom in India? Do teachers have tech readily available for them to use? How about students? Does accessibility play a factor in students’ use of technology there? Thanks!
Thank you for your post and reflection in how AV resources have influenced your teaching and your students. Like Gilbert, I too am curious to learn more about AV resources in the schools in India. It is my understanding that there are many parts of India that have high poverty rates. Please educate us all about what a typical classroom looks like (AV related) in a regular public school.
I appreciate your thoughts and experiences working with children using audio-visual materials. I agree Digital learning taps into this easy access to information and helps students to use it effectively. A good digital learning strategy also teaches students how to be objective when searching the internet for information.
I enjoyed reading about how you use AV for science. Science is definitely not my favorite to teach, so I find myself using a lot of videos, documentaries, and pictures to explain concepts. Especially when teaching French Immersion, some concepts can be extra difficult to explain when it’s not our first language. I even watch videos first to understand so I can teach my students properly.
It was exciting to read how audio and visual presentation in classroom can affect outcomes of the knowledge , how it helps to learn anything excitedly and quickly.We provide Audio Visual systems and Integrations of best quality.
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