Week 1 [Commonsense]

My understanding for the reading on commonsense is that individual societies do schooling in certain ways and our comfortability with those ways make us believe that it is the right and the only way, and straying from the normal path would be detrimental to our education.  We have gotten so comfortable in our ways of teaching, as the reading says “I, for one, did not question whether an outsider looking at my own taken-for-granted perspectives on what it means to teach would find them strange or unreasonable, or for that matter oppressive”(xxxiii), we don’t even stop to think about what we are doing or why, we just do it because that is what we have known to be right.  A part of that is because we feel social pressure to conform to what we “should” be doing because alternative routes are dismissed and can be uncomfortable, doing things a different way hasn’t been mapped out for us.  The more that we pay attention to the commonsense the easier it will be to question why we think it’s right and we can then start to make a difference in education to benefit all learning types that people have and move away from oppressive education.

Work Cited

 Introduction. The problem of common sense (Kumashiro. (2009). Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning Toward Social Justice, pp. XXIX – XLI). 

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