Field Experience

Imperial School was where I was honoured to do my first ever field placement in a class with wonderful grade 3/4’s
The classroom was well set up for the children to help each other with work, and the teacher used natural light from outside to keep a relaxed feel in her class.
On the last day the class gave me an awesome little book to remember them and the experience by. We also brought them cookies, Tim Bits, and little presents because they were so wonderful to us!
I had a lot of fun helping them understand math, because that is something I struggled with as a kid.
I took a little extra time out of my week to volunteer on their Agribition trip
They enjoyed that I played with them in gym class.
Really enjoyed gym class, I even played TAG outside at recess.
And some of my lovely students didn’t want me to leave, just as much as I didn’t want to go.