Hey there my name is Torrin Chorney. I am currently pursuing my BEAD after having completed my Bachelor of Science in Geography. I’m interested in teaching younger grades such as grades 1-3. I believe elementary teachers are foundational in establishing lifelong learners by making school enjoyable and setting them up with the “basic skills” so they can succeed in the older grades. In my free time I enjoy being out at the lake soaking up the sun and riding my seadoo. Also, I am an avid Oilers and Riders fan.  You will find me at those games as much as possible. Currently I have limited knowledge in blogging, but I am excited to learn more.  Digital literacy was not taught to me in school but I feel it is important for our students today to be well equipped in this area.

Check out this banger where I got my inspiration for my title 🙂 (Around the 1 minute mark).