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ECS 495
Quick Draw: Seven Fallen Feathers
So What? Now What?
Digital Citizenship & Ed Tech
Teaching Philosophy
Learning Project
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
EC&I 830
Tech-Enhanced Teaching: A Day in the Life of a Connected Educator
The Impact of Cell Phones in the Classroom
AI in Education: Revolutionizing Learning or Risking the Future?
Bridging the Digital Divide: Reflections on an Equitable Technology Debate
Navigating the Future: Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology in Today’s Classroom
The Great Debate on Technology in the Classroom
EC&I 832
“Snap, Tweet, Post, Repeat: How Not to Lose Your Mind (or Privacy) in the Social Media Jungle”
Digital Citizenship: Shaping the Future One Element at a Time
Generative AI: The Ultimate Teacher’s Sidekick
Identity in the Age of Filters: Are We Our True Selves or Just Trending?
Digital Citizenship 101: Teaching Kids to Tread Lightly in the Wild, Wild Web
Mirror, Mirror, On My Feed: Exploring Identity in a Digital World
Fake News, Deepfakes, and Digital Literacy: Teaching Students to Be Savvy Surfers in the Information Age
Exploring the Ethical Maze of AI and Social Media in Education: Prepping for Tomorrow’s Insights
Click, Scroll, Learn: Building Lifelong Digital Skills with Dr. Bonnie Stewart
The Classroom of Tomorrow: What Dave Cormier Taught Us About AI, VR, and Why Assignments Are Like Pineapple on Pizza
AI, Digital Citizenship, and the Future of Education: A Learning Journey
Empowering Digital Citizens: My Journey to Integrating Digital Citizenship into Health 9
EC&I 834
Is HyFlex Learning the Future or Just a Trendy Fad? A Math Teacher’s Take
Flexible Learning for Student-Athletes: A Workplace 20 Course Profile
Creating Meaningful Connections: Fostering Interaction in a Blended Math Course
Contact me!
About Me
ECS 495
Quick Draw: Seven Fallen Feathers
So What? Now What?
Digital Citizenship & Ed Tech
Teaching Philosophy
Learning Project
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
EC&I 830
Tech-Enhanced Teaching: A Day in the Life of a Connected Educator
The Impact of Cell Phones in the Classroom
AI in Education: Revolutionizing Learning or Risking the Future?
Bridging the Digital Divide: Reflections on an Equitable Technology Debate
Navigating the Future: Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology in Today’s Classroom
The Great Debate on Technology in the Classroom
EC&I 832
“Snap, Tweet, Post, Repeat: How Not to Lose Your Mind (or Privacy) in the Social Media Jungle”
Digital Citizenship: Shaping the Future One Element at a Time
Generative AI: The Ultimate Teacher’s Sidekick
Identity in the Age of Filters: Are We Our True Selves or Just Trending?
Digital Citizenship 101: Teaching Kids to Tread Lightly in the Wild, Wild Web
Mirror, Mirror, On My Feed: Exploring Identity in a Digital World
Fake News, Deepfakes, and Digital Literacy: Teaching Students to Be Savvy Surfers in the Information Age
Exploring the Ethical Maze of AI and Social Media in Education: Prepping for Tomorrow’s Insights
Click, Scroll, Learn: Building Lifelong Digital Skills with Dr. Bonnie Stewart
The Classroom of Tomorrow: What Dave Cormier Taught Us About AI, VR, and Why Assignments Are Like Pineapple on Pizza
AI, Digital Citizenship, and the Future of Education: A Learning Journey
Empowering Digital Citizens: My Journey to Integrating Digital Citizenship into Health 9
EC&I 834
Is HyFlex Learning the Future or Just a Trendy Fad? A Math Teacher’s Take
Flexible Learning for Student-Athletes: A Workplace 20 Course Profile
Creating Meaningful Connections: Fostering Interaction in a Blended Math Course
Contact me!
ECI 834