• Learning Project,  Week 10

    It’s the FINAL countdown.

    It has happened. It is the FINAL countdown (or the final learning project post). I have appreciated this course more than any other because I have been able to pick up my guitar and learn to play enough to feel confident in continuing the skill. This final learning project post is meant to conclude all of the learning that has happened over the last 11 weeks and to share resources that I have experienced and will be valuable to others. I hope that this post gives you motivation and confidence to learn an instrument. I will be grateful for this experience because of how valuable this will be in the…

  • EDTC300

    An hour of \C0D3/-ing

    I cannot believe that this is our last week of prompted blog posts! This week we were asked to go and have some fun coding. We were given the following options to practice coding: Code Academy Scratch Code I chose to use Code and did the Hour of Code option: Intro to App Lab under the “comfortable” skill level because I have no issues picking up new skills when it comes to technology. Watch the progress below: As expected, I didn’t have any issues navigating the hour of code that ended in doing a second one called Dance Party. What I Learned I certainly learned how easy it was to…

  • Learning Project,  Week 9

    Capo n’ Crunch

    As the weeks go by sometimes I feel like learning to play the guitar has shifted from being easy to hard, and vice versa. I have used MANY resources to ensure my success in playing Payphone by Maroon 5. Last week I felt good about my path and thought I would ride that idea out until the end. Now I feel incompetent with that path and have moved back to a previous resource: the video below by Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons. To recall, the difference between fingerstyle and strumming is that fingerstyle uses fingers and single strings are played and strumming uses a pick and usually requires you to play all…

  • EDTC300


    To continue the conversation surrounding digital citizenship, increasing our students’ digital literacy is one of the ways we can ensure they are reading accurate information. Furthermore, they are completing projects, scrolling social media, and spreading information confidently and competently, especially knowing that the information is accurate. Fake news is all around us. For the most part, people see something with an eye-catching headline. This leads to being blinded by the title and, therefore, ignoring the important information that tells a person its accuracy. I can attest to this “blinding” because, even though I have the information to tell whether something is correct or accurate, I can still read things and…

  • Learning Project,  Week 8

    If Happy Ever Afters Did Exist

    If my title reeled you in again, I am happy you fell for it and welcome back! This week was delightful for my guitar skills. I am starting feel competent at something musical. I did have to enlist in some help this week from a few family members: my sister, Danica, and my cousin, Madison. They both have played the guitar and/or had lessons for quite some time now. Resources used this week: Payphone Tabs from Ultimateguitar.com JustinGuitar from Youtube: Stop Struggling with Strumming! Breaking up the skills This week I decided to start to pick (pun intended) away at the skills involved to play the song. I started with…

  • EDTC300

    I Spy with my Little Eye…

    Someone that I do not know but recently know a lot more about! In the last two EDTC 300 classes, we have focused on digital identity and citizenship. In this week’s prompt post, we were told to go snooping into someone in the class to see what we could find on them. The purpose of this is to get an idea of what their digital identity reveals about them. It is much like if your friend or family member starts dating someone and you want to know as much as you can about the person. I felt like a cop, however, it was very exciting for me to dig up…

  • Learning Project,  Week 7

    I’m at a Payphone.

    I am clearly not at a payphone, however, I AM writing to you guys about playing the song Payphone by Maroon 5. This week I wanted to do something new and create a very fast, chipmunk-y version of myself learning to play. Check it out below. WATCH ME LEARN TO PLAY PAYPHONE BY MAROON 5 I hope you are beginning to understand the frustration behind learning an instrument. I played the clarinet and saxophone in my elementary and middle years and I DESPISED it. I didn’t care enough to learn the notes. I just used to copy where people’s fingers went and it got me through to grade 9 when…

  • EDTC300

    Teaching Digital Citizenship

    Hi, and welcome back or welcome newcomer(s). This week we were prompted to make curricular connections to Ribble’s Nine Elements To Digital Citizenship. Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who consumes these devices to engage online. My background in teaching is that of high school Health, Wellness, Social, etc. All of these subjects can easily be introduced to digital citizenship and I will focus on health education 9 for the purpose of this post. Current Applications to Digital Citizenship In most curricula, they include a list of broad areas of learning, these include building: lifelong learners, a sense of self and community, and engaged citizens.…

  • Learning Project,  Week 6

    I Know How To Shred

    I may have misled you with the title of this blog post. I entirely DO NOT know how to shred… yet haha. I am truly not sorry because my heading got you here and I am certainly glad to have you here! I am holding onto hope that the goal of playing a Maroon 5 song is a possibility. In fact, I have a renewed sense of hope because I have found the app and website, Ultimate Guitar. If you watch my walkthrough, you will see exactly how the app works and how I intend to use it. Please note that I had a goal, I wasn’t feeling confident about…