Inquiring Minds…

Inquiring Minds…

This week, I am preparing our next Inquiry project for my Grade 1 classroom. With my head in the inquiry learning clouds, I thought I would play around and create a Canva compiling some ways to organize and explore a Flower Inquiry with students. I think about all of the new vocabulary and ideas I have assembled over the weeks from various sources. Being able to incorporate these into my inquiry plans, in my role as a facilitator, would prove very valuable.

Created on Canva
A brief overview of a Flower inquiry for a Grade 1 classroom, but could be adapted to suit various other grade levels.

I recently discovered Canva and I would say I am still a general newbie with regards to exploring all of it’s options, but I do find myself turning to it more and more for things. I appreciate all of the free templates and I find it very easy to navigate and create. I run the social media pages (Instagram & Facebook) for our school, and I love that I can quickly whip up a poster for a Popcorn Sale or a Spirit Day and it looks like a professional advertisement! I have also levelled up my classroom newsletters from a Microsoft Publisher or Google Doc. BOOM! Now, they get a creative, colourful Canva poster or Infograph! I feel like it gives the illusion that I am techy…joke is on them! But, Canva is a valuable tool for educators and I would highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t done so already!

To learn more about Inquiry models, check out these resources…

Photo taken from
Photo taken from


One thought on “Inquiring Minds…

  1. I love your idea, and I would be interested to know how it goes… I am trying canva for my second time for a class assignment at university. I don’t really remember using it before.
    Good luck with your enquiry unit.

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