Empowering Students: Teaching the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
As technology evolves we must prepare students for responsible and ethical behavior online. We must prioritize digital citizenship so students understand and can navigate the internet effectively, respectfully and safely. Reflecting on the readings provided to us in EDTC 300 from Jason Ohler, Nathan Jurgenson and Mike Ribble, here is how I plan to approach digital citizenship in my classroom by incorporating the 9 elements.
Teaching the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
Mike Ribble’s 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship gives a structured approach for teachers to integrate digital citizenship into the curriculum. By also aligning with Saskatchewan’s policy guide, below is how I plan to incorporate these elements into my classroom.
- Digital Access: This is the foundation of digital citizenship and emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all students have access to technology. By providing equitable access to technology in my future classroom I will make sure that all students have the necessary access to internet connectivity and devices. This will also accommodate different learning styles and needs.
- Digital Commerce: This involves recognizing the importance of online shopping, selling, banking, etc. I believe that it is extremely important to understand these things surrounding digital transactions. In my future classroom I will teach students about recognizing secure websites and not giving out personal information.
- Digital Communication & Collaboration: This element focuses on the many methods of online interactions. With all of the
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platforms that people now have access to it is important to educate students on the appropriate use of these digital tools. This could come into the curriculum by incorporating projects on the importance of respectful communication on social media.
- Digital Etiquette: Focusing on understanding and practicing appropriate, respectful behavior online is extremely important for students to understand. In my classroom I will set clear guidelines on the rules for being online. A major one is to encourage students to think about how their words and actions affect others online.
- Digital Fluency: This goes beyond basic digital literacy, it involves the ability to critically understand and use digital technologies. I will do this by providing my future students the opportunity to create their own digital content in presentations utilizing Google Slides, Canva, YouTube, etc.
- Digital Health & Welfare: While using technology it is important to remember to maintain psychological well-being in the digital world. In order to do this in the classroom I will teach them the importance of taking breaks from the screen. Showing this app will benefit them to manage their screen time effectively.
- Digital Law: In the school setting, digital law can be seen when teaching students about plagiarism and respecting the importance of citing sources. This also brings in the the consequences of illegal activities such as hacking and pirating.
- Digital Rights & Responsibility: Focusing on the balance between individuals rights to privacy and freedom of speech and their responsibility to use technology ethically. I will talk about the importance of protecting personal information and respecting the privacy of others.
- Digital Security & Privacy: Digital security brings up the topics of having strong passwords and respecting privacy settings. Having discussions in the classroom about the dangers of phishing scams will help to keep my future students safe in the digital world.