Reflection #2

Student/Student-Instructor Interactions

For my course prototype, I have decided to stick with Google Classroom and Google Sites as my LMS. My students have been using Google Classroom since they were introduced to using Chromebooks in grade 2, and all but one teacher in our school uses the platform. As students move into grade 7 (except my grade 6 students) they begin navigating Google Sites. I would like to keep the consistency with the platforms that my colleagues use so that it is a smoother transition each year. 

Within Google Sites, I will be embedding lesson videos using Lumi. I have not explored this tool to its full potential yet, but I plan to create engaging videos using my voice that not only introduce the topic but also have interactive elements such as polls, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions. Up until this point I have been using YouTube videos created by other teachers for my 6th grade website. After watching the videos from Micheal Wesch last week, I have reflected on my approach and realized that I am missing the personal connection with using YouTube videos. Even though I am still in the classroom with students and they connect with me that way, the videos that they are currently watching aren’t me. 

Another tool that I will embed into my Google Sites is MindMeister. I plan to use this tool as a collaborative discussion area where students can post questions and reflect on their learning as they go. With my math class having the “at your own pace” element I find it challenging to have discussions because not all students are on the same lesson at the same time. With utilizing MindMeister students can enter the conversation as they complete the lesson. 

Tools that I will use for check-ins are Mathletics and Google Forms. Both applications offer students instant feedback to help them reflect on their learning and decide if they need to review or move forward. In addition to these online check-ins, students will complete an end-of-lesson exit ticket that they will hand to me. With my module being math-focused, I believe that students still need paper/pen practice. The exit ticket with allow students to show their work and get an official check-in with me. 

10 thoughts on “Reflection #2

  1. Hello Amber!
    Thanks for sharing the details of your course prototype! I appreciate you using a familiar platform as your LMS and exploring new tools to enhance your overall project for your students. I am with Regina Catholic and we are solely based through Microsoft Office, so reading through some of the Google documents was interesting and new to me, especially the mind mapping platform of MindMeister. I’ve only used Google-based platforms through some of my Masters classes as some of my prior class partners used Google regularly. Looking forward to learning more from your project!

    • Hi Arkin! MindMeister is unfortunately not affiliated with Google Suite. It is however, a great tool that helps students visualize their learning.

  2. Hey Amber! I’ve never heard of MindMeister but took a look and it seems super helpful in gathering student feedback and facilitating discussion. I appreciate your use of Google Forms, because I think that Google or Microsoft Forms are such underrated tools in gathering quick student data. It’s definitely something I should use more of in my own classes. Can’t wait to learn more about your prototype! Great work!

    • Hi Meagan, thank you for checking out my prototype. It’s been a work in progress to get to the point of trying out new tools. When I first started I stuck to simple tech tools until I was familiar with them. Now I have started to branch out and dive into some of these tools with my students. They helped me figure out MindMeister alongside them.

      I agree, Google Forms is a great tool to gather quick data, and it pairs nicely with Google Classroom.

  3. Hey Amber! While reading your course prototype, I got to know about a new thing ” MindMeister” really I appreciate the way you have explained its use this tool is totally new to me. Basically i am science teacher i was pretty confused how i will use online platform for solving numerical this will really help me … looking forward to listen more about your course prototype…………

    • Hi Anchal! I tend to use MindMeister as a discussion tool. Either as a whole class, where I record student responses real-time and project my screen to the class or I have also used it as a small group activity where a group leader records their responses.

  4. Hi Amber. My decision for using Google Classroom as my LMS was driven by a similar set of circumstances, familiarity being the key consideration. While I appreciate and enjoy many of the new tools that I am being introduced to I know that if I really intend to deploy my work in a real classroom I won’t have the time to teach a new software suite. In a way it feels a bit constraining, but often time is my biggest enemy. There is so much content to cover, with such a diverse range of abilities I can’t see myself “going into battle” with an unproven weapon.

    • Hi Matt! I agree. Our plates are pretty full as is! Sticking to Google Classroom as my LMS, allows me to learn and integrate other tools to aid my student’s learning while keeping the navigation aspect simple.

  5. This is a great strategy so far! I’m in the same boat as you with Lumi. I have so far used videos created by others, but need to push myself to create some of my own as well (where feasible, assuming I can get access/approval to film in our research labs). I echo the other comments about MindMeister as well. I hadn’t heard of this, but it looks like a really interesting tool (for teachers as well as students!)

    • Hi Lauren! I enjoyed working with Lumi this past week, it pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit, which isn’t always a bad thing. It would be challenging in your situation with access/approval limitations. I think the best we can do is use other resources for now, and as we revisit the same topics each year, tweak and revise (create interactive videos) as we see fit. That’s the beauty of technology and editing!

      As for MindMeister, I think this would be a great tool for adult learners. If you decide to try it out, let me know if you have any questions.

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