Course Prototype Submission

Edit: Here is the video link to my Course Prototype Walkthrough and my course profile.

Here is the link to my Google Site where my course prototype is housed. For students, this link is available via Google Classroom.

At the start of the school year, I modeled how to navigate our math website with students. Here are the steps to follow if you would like to look at my completed course prototype.

  1. Google Sites link
  2. Shape and Space
  3. Chapter 1: Understanding Angles
  4. Lesson 1: In the Real World

Once students reach the lesson they are on, they then complete the 4 or 5 steps listed out for them to complete. When finished, they can move on to lesson 2 by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, or they can use the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen where it lists each lesson for Shape and Space.

Teaching my split classroom in a blended learning style has allowed me to facilitate my students’ learning more efficiently. My main goal for this course prototype was to make my lessons more interactive and engaging for my students. I don’t want to just use technology to say I did. I want to incorporate technology in a meaningful way that facilitates student learning in the best way possible. With the help of Lumi I feel confident that I am moving in the right direction. I look forward to collecting student feedback on their level of engagement with the new version of my lessons.



4 thoughts on “Course Prototype Submission

  1. What strikes me most about your course is how well it caters to your specific audience. I often say that high school teachers (like myself) have it a lot easier in mathematics than those who have to teach the fundamentals. If a student walks into my grade nine classroom with an understanding of fractions, decimals, percentages, and integers they will most likely be successful. While I can rationalize the pedestrian design of my course, you’ve gone the extra mile to make your navigation and design fit for purpose. Good job!

    • Thank you, Matt. I appreciate your support! I give you high school teachers credit too, you’ve got a lot of heavy content to organize and deliver to your students. That’s not an easy task!

  2. Hey Amber,
    I really enjoy your course prototype as it offers students predictability and applies new knowledge to real world examples. As a middle years teacher, students are always wanting to know where they will use this in the real world, and you’ve answered that question. The layout of your prototype is well-organized and is definitely directed at your middle years audience. I can see how this can be helpful in a managing a grade 6/7 split. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you, Arkin! I appreciate that. I like to be a step ahead of my students when it comes to real-world applications. As you said, it’s a frequent question!

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