Phew, it’s done! This summary of learning has been a little challenging for a number of reasons. Firstly, I started this class very much a tech novice, so literally almost everything we did this semester was new learning for me. How can I even summarize all that up concisely?! I settled on hitting the highlights and focussing in on what resonated most with me but my video is still a touch longer than I wanted it to be. Secondly, as a tech novice I had some difficulties putting my video together purely because it was my first attempt at doing anything “fancy”. I clearly don’t have the greatest audio or video recording quality, but it all came together fairly well. Thirdly, I really put myself out there as most of my summary is actual video footage of me. I’m not overly comfortable in front of the camera so this was difficult!

Even though this was challenging, I’m very happy with my first Canva Video product! This was such a fun and user friendly tool to use once I got the hang of it and I loved putting in little transitions and animations. It was a chance to get creative and I enjoyed the process of combing through the course again and considering what learning was most impactful for me.

Although I am not nearly as funny as Jimmy Fallon, I borrowed some of his Tonight Show segments to make my video. If you haven’t seen his “News Smash” or “Thank You Notes“, you may want to watch the first few minutes of these videos to get the idea of what I was trying to recreate.
So without further ado… I present to you my Summary of Learning!
This was so fun, Holly! I love Jimmy Fallon’s segments, but I wasn’t familiar with News Smash. That was such a creative way to link all of the concepts together (I imagine it took some work to write those smooth transitions between topics). Your Thank You Notes made me smile! I have one for you… “Thank you, Holly, for being my “Zoom breakout room spouse” this semester and also an important group member in our other shared class this semester! I hope our paths cross again in the future!”
Thanks, Kara! I enjoyed working with you this semester and hope we cross paths again too!
Great job! As Kara pointed out, the use of Jimmy Fallon-style talking points was creative and interesting. The thank you segment was amusing and wonderful!
Nice work Holly, great video and summary. I was engaged the whole time and I agree this course affected me as a parent as much as a teacher!
Oh goodness! I had written a comment for your post and then accidentally clicked on something else and it took me away from my comment. AH! Anyways, I love how you put together your video. You did a great job summarizing the learning, and it did not look like you were/are a technology novice at all. Bringing in Jimmy Fallon clips was great! Definitely need to give yourself way more credit than a novice. Thanks so much for sharing with us. This was great!
Thanks for the kind comment, Kelly! I was happy with how it turned out and definitely learned a ton along the way!