I have an Instagram account and have used it for yoga tips, among other things, so I thought why not look for piano tips here as well?

I began my search and found so many interesting videos. There were a lot of different quotes, memes, tips, and even exercises to further your learning. Instagram Piano <-here you can find some of the posts I found when I was searching.
Some things I found helpful:
- Finger strengthening exercises
- Learning how to control your thumb
- The best way to practice scales
- Finger control exercises
- Speed exercises
I found one Instgrammer that I found particularly helpful and had a lot of good videos called, Piano with Jonny.
I tried many different exercises, some that I found to be enjoyable and others that seemed like more of a chore. Now that I have a few favourites I can incorporate them into my practice routine.
Overall I thought Instagram was a helpful tool for the learning experience I was aiming for. The only thing I found difficult when it came to this app, was falling down rabbit holes. It was a lot of fun watching peoples videos, and I loved hearing the different songs, but this really took me off tack of my learning. This is just something one needs to be wary about when using a social media platform as a learning tool.
I am continuing to work on my song “I See Fire,” and have managed to speed up my timing to get closer to that of the actual song. Next week I will post a video of my progress so stay tuned!
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