EC&I 834: Designing for Online & Blended Learning

Month: March 2022

The End is Near! Final Course Prototype Wrap Up

Final Overview

Welcome to my final course prototype! I am excited and proud to share all of my hard work with everyone. My course walkthrough will help to show my purpose and direction in creating my course. It is meant to be a blended course with flipped online lessons. The course comes of as more of a “checklist” of things for students to do with some utilization of community building. I hope to continue to grow in that aspect of my course designs.


To view my original course profile, follow this link to my BLOG.

Creation Process

My goal in the creation process of my course was to experience a new LMS and create practical content that I could use within the current ELA B30 course I am teaching. Through meaningful conversations with peers, collaboration, course content, and my own discoveries, I was able to grow my blended toolbox and create a strong course prototype to build off. I utilized existing content I had from class and reworked it to fit into the online flipped classroom design. I would have liked to get a bit further in terms of exploring other programs for content creation but just becoming familiar with Canvas as an LMS proved to be time consuming enough.

The feedback gained from my classmates was essential to the growth of my prototype. My reflection and takeaways can be read in this blog post. 

Course Prototype & Walkthrough

If you would like to check out my course prototype, follow this link to CANVAS.

Below is a brief course walkthrough of my course prototype. It helps to outline the goal and framework of my blended course along with providing some guidance on how to navigate through the course. Enjoy!


Feedback! Blended Course Design – ELA B30

The feedback process was extremely valuable to the development of my blended course. It allowed me to get ideas from my peer’s courses along with hear their suggestions and review of my own work. As teachers, we can often become isolated in our own classrooms, virtual or physical. This process allows us to explore others creativity to improve upon our own work. Without opportunities like this, we would just hear the echoes of our own work.


In creation of my second module and revision of my existing course shell, there are several pieces of feedback that I plan to use:

-Instructions – Thus far, I have not found an elegant solution on Canvas to the posting of my module instructions. The module itself posts nicely and in order of activities to complete but there is not heading or section to simply have instructions written out. Currently, the instructions are in the announcements for the course. I would like to work on another alternative for this part of the course shell.

-Direct Instruction – Another suggestion made was to have a direct instruction component in my modules. I think this would be another way to create teacher-student interactions and give another way for the students to interact with the content. I am not sure how this will look yet, but it will be a part of module two.

-Checklist – A checklist of sections complete would be a nice addition, I am unsure if Canvas has this feature, but I plan to find out. This would allow students to see their progress and be sure that they have completed all the required components for the flipped lesson.

-Feedback – I have created assessments within my module but have not decided on feedback to this point. I hope to be involved in discussion posts with formative feedback, quizzes for instant student feedback and timely summative feedback with their larger assignments.

Accessibility & Equity

I feel that my course is accessible to all types of learners and should be able to accommodate for students with any language or disability considerations. However, the flipped classroom design of this class is very dependent on having access to technology and the internet. Without being able to access the resources, discussions, etc. from home, students will not be able to keep up with the natural flow of the class. This could be solved by allowing students some extra “flipped” time to catch up within the school day or providing them with resources to leave with at the end of the day. Having these courses utilizing blended learning allows for students to take ownership of the accommodations they may need. I hope that students will find my course content accessible, and they will be able to find any extra resources they need or reach out to me to make sure it is accessible to them.