Part One – Unraveling the Threads of Traditions: Embarking on a Ribbon Skirt Adventure

May 14, 2024 4 By Avery Kotylak

Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey into the world of ribbon skirt creation. As someone who has been drawn to and recently a part of the beauty of Indigenous culture’s creations and traditions through work. I am eager to delve deeper into the craftsmanship and symbolism behind this iconic garment.

Image of a ribbon skirt

So, what exactly is a ribbon skirt? I started out by asking myself these questions and furthing my research, I found a great resource about What a Ribbon Skirt is.  This resource has shown me what exactly is a ribbon skirt, how it is used as a form of teaching generations about Indigenous history, and lastly the development of the Ribbon Skirt. From what I’ve learnt so far, seeing them at work when students would wear them to school, they are stunning pieces of clothing adorned with colourful ribbons, often worn for special occasions or as a symbol of cultural pride. But it’s more than just fabric and ribbons; it’s a tangible expression of resilience, strength, and identity within Indigenous communities.

Understanding the cultural significance of ribbon skirts is key to appreciating their true value. They are not just garments; they’re woven with stories, traditions and teachings passed down through generations. By learning how to create a ribbon skirt, I hope to honour and celebrate Indigenous cultures while also gaining a deeper understanding of their heritage.

Now comes the fun part; gathering supplies! I’ve heard that creating a ribbon skirt doesn’t require fancy equipment or specialized tools. All I need is some fabric, ribbons, sewing supplies, and measuring tools. It’s amazing how something so beautiful can be made with such simple materials.

With my curiosity piqued and my supplies in hand, I’m ready to dive into the world of ribbon skirt creation. Stay tuned for our next installment, where I’ll share my journey of gathering material and taking measurements. Who knows what new discoveries await me along the way?

Thanks for joining me on this adventure. Let’s celebrate the artistry and cultural significance of ribbon skirts together!