Part Five – From Ribbons to Blooms

June 8, 2024 8 By Avery Kotylak

Creating a ribbon skirt has been an enriching journey, blending craftsmanship with personal expression. This post details my process of designing and enhancing a ribbon skirt with handmade flowers and bows. Here’s a look at my journey from concept to creation.

Customization Process

Creating Ribbon Flowers

  • The first step in my customization was making ribbon flowers. I chose a palette of blues to complement the fabric of the skirt.
  • Using TikTok videos for guidance, I meticulously crafted each flower.

Adding the flowers and bows

  • Once the flowers were ready, I placed them along the skirt to see how many more I needed and how I wanted them to lay. Once they were assembled I decided two ribbon bows on the side would finish the skirt off.
  • The bows were created using matching ribbons and were positioned to enhance the overall design of the skirt.

Here is a video of myself creating the flowers:

Before and After

  • Here is a visual transformation of the skirt. The images display the before during and after process of adding the flowers and bows.

image of the ribbon skirt before the personalizations Image of flowers being madeImage of ribbon skirt with ribbon flowers and bows


  • The choice of blue hues and floral design is a nod to my personal taste. Each element added to the skirt was carefully chosen to ensure it not only looked beautiful but also told part of my story.