Surfing the Digital Wave

June 8, 2024 2 By Avery Kotylak

In today’s digital world, fake news presents significant challenges for students. Increasing digital literacy is essential to help them discern fact from fiction. Here is how educators such as myself can integrate digital literacy into various subjects, align it with the curriculum, and incorporate the National Council of Teachers of English framework goals.

Teaching Digital Literacy Across Subjects

I explored with many resources that have provided imformation on digital literacy, one website was Media Smarts as is showed the Digital Media Literacy Framework for grades 9-12!

Social Studies (Grade 8-12)

– Students analyze historical events using primary and secondary sources from different websites. They compare accounts to identify bias and misinformation.

English Language Arts (Grade 6-10)

– Students can evaluate news articles and social media content. They will research current events using credible sources such as CTV news to evaluate sources related to health, climate change, or technology.

Tying Digital Literacy to the Curriculum 

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

– Students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by evaluating sources and making informed decisions.

Research Skills

– Teaching Effective use of digital tools and databases enhances students’ research capabilities.

Incorporating NCTE Framework Goals

Active, Critical, and Ethical Participation

– Students engage with digital content critically and ethically, evaluating source validity and understanding information-sharing ethics.

Critical Reading, Writing, and Analysis

– Students practice reading, writing, and analytical skills in a digital context by analyzing articles and presenting findings.

Collaboration and Communication

– Digital literacy lessons include collaborative projects, fostering communication and teamwork skills.

Resources to Enhance Digital Literacy

– Non-partisan website for verifying news and debunking misinformation


– provided new articles at different reading levels, helping students engage with current events and practice critical reading.

Integrating digital literacy into the curriculum is crucial. By teaching students to critically evaluate online content, we help them become informed digital citizens Using resources like and Newsela teachers as myself can equip students with the necessary tools to navigate the digital landscapes effectively, aligning with NCTE framework goals and foster essential skills for the digital age.

Here is a short video on how to choose your news