Part Six – From My Learning to Our Learning

June 17, 2024 4 By Avery Kotylak

Continuing my ribbon skirt adventure, Part Six highlights an exciting chapter where we brought the students into the creative process. This experience was not only about making garments but also about sharing cultural knowledge and fostering a sense of community and pride.

Hand On learning with the students

At my work three of us teachers had decided that we wanted to take a few afternoons to make ribbon shirts and skirts with the students. Teaching the students how to measure and cut fabric accurately was a crucial step. We used techniques covered in the previous post, ensuring everyone understood the importance of precise measurements. The students were hands-on, using rulers, scissors, and fabric pens to mark and cut their pieces.Students working on the shirts and skirts

Each student brought their unique perspective to the design process, choosing ribbons and fabrics that resonated with them. This personalization made each skirt and shirt truly special, reflecting individual creativity and cultural expression.

Community members helping the students sew

Assembling the Garments

With the pieces cut and ready, we moved on to the assembly phase. Students learned how to pin their fabric pieces together, set up sewing machines, and start stitching. The room was alive with the sound of sewing machines being run by a few community volunteers, to help speed up the process.

Wearing Our creation at the Gahomni

The highlight of our project was wearing ribbon skirts and shirts at the Gahomni. The students were thrilled to showcase their hard work and creativity. The vibrant colours and intricate designs were a sight to behold, each garment telling a story of its maker.


Teacher standing in her ribbon skirt surrounding students in their regalia


Another event our school took part in was a powwow, as guest wear their ribbon skirts and shirts to these events as well if you are not a dancer wearing regalia. The ribbon shirts and skirts show solidarity and respect for the event. The sense of unity and celebration was amazing as we joined in the powwow dancing and celebrating the rich cultural heritage together.



To capture this incredible journey, here is a video featuring the students at the powwow, proudly wearing their regalia. This video not only showcases the beautiful creations of their regalia but also the pride and joy they felt in being a part of such a meaningful event.