Author: Brandon Rumford

Digital Citizenship

Digital technology is becoming more involved in K-12 classrooms each and every year. More students are online in schools today than ever before and even young students in elementary schools are online. The technology is fantastic and allows students to learn in ways they never could before, however this may cause problems, especially within younger…

By Brandon Rumford November 4, 2020 1

Maya Hee Maya Hoo

I hope this song is stuck in your head, as after watching An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube for this blog, it is definitely stuck in my head. With that in mind we were asked to use this video to reflect on our changing world and the new culture of participation. With technology advancing every year,…

By Brandon Rumford October 22, 2020 0

Twittering Away

Being new to Twitter, the Saskedchat was a very cool experience to be a part of. At the beginning of this class I was not a huge fan of twitter, I did not really see the point. I wasn’t interested in all the meaningless tweets about someone’s day or something else. So, I was pleasantly…

By Brandon Rumford October 7, 2020 0

Apps for ASL

This week was not nearly as productive as I would’ve liked. With many complicated assignments that took a ridiculous amount of time in other classes, I did not start to learn ASL as I wanted too. However with a bit of research I have a more fleshed out plan as well as resources to use.…

By Brandon Rumford September 23, 2020 2

Learning Feedly

This week we were tasked with using Feedly in order to find new blogs to read and learn from, and it is so easy to do! There are so many options for anyone looking to read blogs, no matter your interests. For me I decided to look for educational technology blogs, for obvious reasons and…

By Brandon Rumford September 23, 2020 1