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Author: Bret McMann

The 4th Trimester

The 4th Trimester

The whole idea of a 4th trimester was completely foreign to me.  This is basically treating the first 3 months of a baby’s life as a whole separate trimester than runs from 0-3 months.  I guess this makes sense as there will be some serious changes that both parents and baby are going to have to get accustomed to!  New routines take some time to develop and it only makes sense to refer to this as a whole extra 3…

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Open Educaiton & OERs?!?

Open Educaiton & OERs?!?

Up until last week’s class, I was not very familiar with Open Education (OE) or Open Education Resources (OER).  I had heard the term before, but never really took the time to understand what they actually encompassed.   Thank you to Gillian and Leigh for sharing some resources.  I was struggling a bit with this whole concept!  From the article Leigh shared, PK-12 OER: Key Benefits and Sustainable Implementation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2015)outlined that open educational resources…

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The 3rd Trimester!

The 3rd Trimester!

The 3rd trimester started with us taking a trip to Hello Baby – a local baby shop in Regina’s east end.  We were on the hunt for more information on car seats, bassinets, strollers, and some smaller little items.  We have lucked out and had a significant amount of baby items gifted or handed down to us, but we wanted to buy a few things brand new.  We were/are super thankful to all of our friends and family who have…

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The 2nd Trimester!

The 2nd Trimester!

For us, the second trimester started off with a bang we hit the landmark (Week 12/13) where it became safe to tell everyone our exciting news and I was able to attend the ultrasound! We went for our second ultrasound.  This was a super exciting time for me as this was the first one I was able to attend due to COVID!  My wife was able to take a video of her first ultrasound a few weeks prior which I…

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The Age of Slacktivism

The Age of Slacktivism

Can online social media activism be meaningful and worthwhile? I have a difficult time answering this question – I often find myself questioning the motives of those who are participating as an online activist.  I think social media activism can be somewhat meaningful and worthwhile, but it has lost a lot of its luster, due to the fact that everyone and their dog seems to consider themselves one.  While doing some research into online activism for this post, I came…

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The 1st Trimester!

The 1st Trimester!

Most of my learning has been centered around the We’re Pregnant! The First-Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook written by Adrian Kulp.  He, like me, found that there was not a lot of readily available information for the new dads out there and created a resource to help us out! When we entered into the second month of our pregnancy, I was shocked to see how many changes were already happening and had a difficult time keeping track of them all.  These…

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Project Update #2

Project Update #2

Howdy ECI 831!  My wife hit 30 weeks on Saturday and we are getting very excited and anxious to meet our little monster! I cannot believe how fast it has gone since finding out I was going to be a dad in mid April.  We are starting to slowly acquire the baby items that we will need immediately and the baby room set up is almost in full swing, we are still decluttering/purging, but we have a solid plan in…

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Like A Mother!

Like A Mother!

The physical, mental and emotional changes that females go through during pregnancy is much greater than I could have ever expected and I will never fully understand the depth at which these occur.  With that said, I will be the first to admit that I knew the bare minimum about what these changes look like.   I thought I understood the basics about the anatomical changes that occur within their bodies, but that was hardly scratching the surface.  Rarely did I…

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Where Do We Begin?!?

Where Do We Begin?!?

I have known for a long time that I wanted to be a dad, but we weren’t sure when the timing was right to begin even thinking the time was right.  My wife and I both love to travel and wanted to go on a big adventure before we decided to have kids.  The plan was made that we were going to go on a 3 week trip to Croatia, Italy & Greece with some other couple friends of ours;…

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Digital Project Update #1

Digital Project Update #1

Aloha Everyone!  How have things been going?! Currently, we just (Oct.2) entered into the 3rd and final trimester and things are getting real, real fast!  We are starting to get more excited (and anxious) each day!  We have been feeling the crunch with our stress levels, to do lists and credit card statements.  This weekend our house got a good thorough cleanout, and we are trying to get small odd jobs around the house, yard, and garage done while we…

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