Technology and Teaching

Technology, and how it changes, impact not only education but individual people’s lives. My mom would say to me when facetime was first introduced, that she and her friends in the 80s would talk about how crazy it would be if they could see each other when they talk on the phone. This same wonder was the centre of a conversation I had with my friends when we first got our iPods in grade 5. We would say how one day it would be so cool if we could have group facetime. My little sister now has a phone, and group facetime with her friends like it is no big deal.
Technology connects us and disconnects us at the same time. On days when I am feeling particularly anxious, I have to stop myself from going on social media, as it has a way of making me feel empty. When I have rough days, it is hard to look at everyone’s seemingly perfect lives online. This challenge extends to many. We are never off when we have our phones on us. If you can reach me anytime, it makes it easy to call me in for a shift at work, ask me for a favour, etc. Additionally, bullying does not stop beyond the classroom or schoolyard. This torment can continue into the online world. Home is no longer a safe place for children connected to social media. Cyberbullying becomes a challenge for educators who do not physically see this bullying. As shown in the Welsch video, you never know how far-reaching things you post on the internet. This is an important concept to teach to students so they can understand the magnitude of what they share online.
The changes in technology mean spectacular things for lessons and students. Moving from chalkboards and overhead projectors to whiteboards and SMARTBoards was an incredible progression to witness, and no doubt technology will continue to change and improve. A paperless classroom in the future is very real. As a future educator, I need to be flexible and continue learning to keep up with these changing technologies. Schools will have to be able to be flexible as well to implement and support these new technologies.