Terrified of Twitter?

My normal Twitter feed

Hi, I’m Brooke, and I get overwhelmed very easily. When I first looked at Tweet Deck, I thought I was going to throw up. My regular Twitter feed can make me feel overwhelmed sometimes, so I thought Tweet Deck was going to send me over the edge. I really did believe that I was going to be the one to cry this year! The first few questions I was definitely on edge and struggling to see what was going on. It helped to have Katia reading the questions out loud. By the third question, I had the hang of it. I enjoyed the Twitter chat more than regular Twitter. It was nice to have people seeing and agreeing with your thoughts and seeing their views in real-time. When you make a Twitter post, a few people will see it throughout the day, wherein the Twitter chat people see it immediately. I was worried about how fast the chat would go, but it wasn’t too bad. After the chat, I told my mom how much fun I had during the chat, and that we were trending in Canada.

Tweet Deck in action on #EdTechEthics night

Now that I have spent more time on Twitter, I am growing to like it. It is a great place to not only network and find resources but save resources so I can view them again later. I mentioned in one of my tweets during the Twitter chat that in Grade 8, we had a Twitter account as a class. This was not the first time we had a class Twitter account. We tried it in Grade 7, but it didn’t stick. In Grade 8, though, we each made Twitter accounts, and once we ever handed in our work by posting it to Twitter. We found it fun to have this online way to interact. We also enjoyed following our teacher on Twitter and felt like we got to know more about him and his life. This helped to build better relationships in the classroom. One day I would like to do the same in my classroom. Twitter, although not my choice of social media, is an excellent tool in education.


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