YouTube Concerns
Posted On March 4, 2020
Jaelyn and I partnered up this week to talk about YouTube. Jaelyn took the role of a concerned mom and I took the role of the teacher. We discussed the uses of YouTube and making videos in the classroom as well as privacy concerns! Check it out below!
Thank you Jaelyn for being my partner, and thank you for reading! Here is the article I mention in the messages.
This is a very practical discussion that many teachers will have. I liked how polite you answered the concerned mom, and how you stuck to why it is important. I also liked the link, and how you are teaching kids to be careful and use the platform like Youtube in a safe way. Very well done.
This discussion was very real and I agree with Scott that it is for sure a conversation that many teachers will have. You were very professional and did an excellent job of taking the Mom’s feelings into consideration. I like how you did not discourage her from keeping the child away from using YouTube. You gave her a honest and thorough response of exactly what was going on in class. This was well done. Thank you for sharing.