I Believe…

As an educator:

-It is my responsibility to ensure my classroom is inclusive and engaging for all students

-I provide an inviting environment for everyone that enters my classroom

-I must be adaptable to meet the needs of my students to the best of my abilities

-To be an ally to all members of my faculty and student body

-To work towards a progressive environment and society for future and current generations.

-Take time to develop and understand the perspective of my students

-social aspects of the classroom are as equally impotent as intellectual

-to recognize and address treaty education in our classrooms

As a Community:

-we need to address social issues and break negative stigmas

-provide safe spaces for the children to explore and interact

-celebrate and welcome diversity

-engage with the children about what they are learning in school.

-being involved enables growth.

“If we are not willing to fail, we will never accomplish anything.” Madeleine L’Engle

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