Contributions to the Learning of Others
Throughout EDTC300, our class has not only learned about the importance of enhancing our future student’s digital literacy, but also the importance of being a part of a digital network of learning that allows everyone to share information and asks questions to provoke discussions. EDTC300 was a great opportunity to be introduced to these digital networks and start to build connections with fellow classmates and educators. I was very happy with the willingness of my classmates to share new resources…
Final Reflection on My Photography Journey
For my final learning project post, it is a good time to reflect on my accomplishments, struggles, breakthroughs, and setbacks while learning photography. I had wanted to learn photography for over a year when I started EDTC300, I even had a camera 6 months prior to the class starting, but I hardly used it. Now, just over a month later and I almost always bring my camera with me when venturing outside. Through my online research and a couple of…
Enhancing Digital Literacy in the Classroom
When I was in high school, I was amazed by many of the digital features, tools, and resources that I was learning about and taught how to use. In today’s classroom, the students are now introducing their teachers to these advances in the digital world. That is not to say that every modern student is more digitally adept than their teachers, but it is to say that the bridge of access has been laid and students are diving head first…
Shutter Hunting in the Rain, Yet Again
In an effort to escape some of the rain plaguing Fernie last week, I went camping with a friend. I wanted to take the time to just relax and almost didn’t bring my camera, but I convinced myself that if I didn’t bring my camera, I would miss some good opportunities. Thank goodness I did, as I believe I may have captured my favourite photo to date. During the first day of camping, we noticed a juvenile bald eagle flying…
My Experience Cybersleuthing a Peer
This week, I was tasked with conducting a cybersleuth on a fellow classmate of mine, Liam. Essentially, I was to find anything and everything I could about Liam through their digital identity. To start off my cybersleuthing, I checked out Liam’s Twitter since we follow each other. Through Liam’s Twitter, I was able to identify interests of theirs, such as playing/watching sports and the outdoors; we are quite similar. I was also able to identify what they look like. All…
Finding Connections Between the Saskatchewan Curriculum and the Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
The modern classroom has adopted the tools and technology needed to advance a student’s knowledge in the digital world, but have the curriculums kept up to speed? Are we providing students with the right information to best utilize the digital technology available to them? Are students, and even teachers, aware of the risks they could encounter online and how to avoid them? In this blog post, we will be exploring the Saskatchewan curriculum to identify its connections with Mike Ribble’s…
Hunting the Biggest Beasts in the Foggy Mountains
Approximately 95 km across the Kootenay valley from Fernie B.C., the early morning lovers of Cranbrook are finishing their breakfasts while the construction workers take a short drag from their cigarettes during their first break of the day. When abruptly, they all faintly hear a groan like that of baldy aged hardwood, suffering under their feet. Meanwhile, in Fernie, 6,000 people notice yet another raincloud passing over their town for about the 14th day in a row; blocking vitamin D,…
Getting on the Right Track and My Review of Fotor
Understanding tracking focus and continuous shooting While I was snapping some photos of a turtle last week, I discovered that I can turn on tracking focus while in P mode (Program auto mode). As I previously discussed, tracking focus allows me to shoot objects that are moving while auto-adjusting the shutter speed and aperture. I had talked about possibly taking some photos of larger animals with this mode, but I began to wonder if that would show just how handy…
New Scenery and New Potentials
Last week, I might have jumped the gun. I followed my friend’s advice and pretty much stuck solely to the manual mode on my camera. As a result, many of my photos turned out quite poor. They were incredibly dark and contained no colour; they were solely black and white. I was frustrated but optimistic, the pictures I had shot on the auto setting turned out just fine so it had to be something that I was doing wrong, not…