My Personal Journey and Thoughts

Tag: #blendedlearning

Volleyball or Ping Pong?

Anyone? Anyone?  Pause………….anyone?

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We have all been there – sitting in silence waiting for that one brave soul to put up their hand and contribute anything, absolutely anything to the conversation. After these classes I am always left feeling deflated and wondering what I could have done differently, and it usually comes around to a few things. A few things that I am going to list below and I would love to have others add to this list in the comments below, because as we all know having a full tool bag doesn’t always mean you have the right tools, so let’s fill up each other’s tool bags. I just pictured Hermione’s bottomless bag in the Deathly Hallows. She was able to pull everything they all needed out of that bag. Sometimes in my classroom I feel like I have/or need one of those bags.

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My Course Profile


I am really excited about this project because I have never had students create websites before, and I cannot wait to see how they turn out. I have already started some of the pre-teaching. As a class we have learned about digital citizenship and our digital footprint. I feel as though students understand their role and responsibility to our online community of learners and they are excited about creating their own website. I have also started teaching students how to create their website using Google Sites and we have worked over the course of three classes so far in setting it up and adding our own personal touch. Students have created an “About Me” page, they have listed their interests and strengths, as well as set personal learning goals.

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A little bit of this a little bit of that – Blend it all up, smooth right?

What are your experiences and perceptions related to your own use of blended learning and/or technology integration in your professional context? What challenges and opportunities have you experienced?

I really struggled with where to start with this question because I have used technology in my practice right from Day 1 when I introduced Ancient Egyptian civilization to my grade 6/7 class during my internship. I put together a PowerPoint presentation full of pictures and videos and music to “hook” my students into wanting to know more. I used story telling to awaken their curiosities and get them interested in this amazing civilization and period in history. Fast forward 16 years and the capabilities of technology sure has changed. Continue reading

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