My educational philosophy can be wrapped up in four words: let the child lead. This concept sounds very simple, but in actuality takes a lot of presence, and hard work to pull off correctly. It is a concept that I will never master, but work on continuously, as every student will be different and require different guidance. I have been working at the Montessori School of Regina for the past 3 years, and I have had the opportunity to refine my child lead teaching style. It can be hard to watch students struggle with work and wait for them to come to you, but when they understand the material they were struggling with it stays with them, and is incredibly rewarding.
Some of the students that I teach would describe me as strict, which from their perspective is true. I have found the students feel the most comfortable when they are aware of boundaries. So, I always provide both clear expectations, and boundaries. Without any grey areas for the students to worry about, they can focus on their studies and mental well being. All of this leads to me having stronger connections with my students, because they always know what to expect.