Cody here, welcome to this weeks post! For this week i tried out the Magic School AI App. Overall I am impressed at the number of things it can do, from giving you ideas, creating whole unit plans, to lesson plans, and difficult conversations. To be honest I wish I had this tool for my internship, it would have saved me a tone of time. So for the purpose of this blog I decided to get it to write me a lesson plan around the Treat Education strand of the Grade six curriculum in Saskatchewan. I picked this in particular because I though it would be challenging for the AI as it is very specific to Saskatchewan’s curriculum and I was interested to see what kind of Indigenous knowledge it had. To my (delightful) surprise it developed a fairly well thought out, culturally sensitive lesson plan that met the indicators that I entered in. Here is the link to my lesson plan.
Based on the prompts for this post I asked the Magic School to differentiate my plan to accommodate students who cannot read. It did a pretty good job giving me seven suggestions to help differentiate the plan. However, it did not actually change the lesson plan. Regardless, it is great. When I was interning, for every lesson plan and test, I had to differentiate at least two to three other ways. So this feature would have been super helpful.
To be honest I don’t see a lot of ethical dilemmas with AI in the classroom. I see it as a tool like many other tools we have at our disposal for teaching. The lesson plan that I generated still needed to be edited and revised to fit my class and teaching style. Similar to googling something, you can’t just take the googled content and put it out there. You have to edit it and make it your own. The ethical dilemma seems to lay within that teachers are cool to use AI, but not cool with students using it. We need to teach the students how to use AI properly and safely.
For the future of AI in the classroom, I see it as becoming a tool just like textbooks, calculators, computers etc. It would be impossible to replace teachers with AI as there is a lot of on your feet thinking and creativity involved in teaching. Actually teaching when done correctly, is an artform mixed with intense people skills. So I don’t see the machines taking over my job, I really hope they take over remedial, repetitive jobs.