ECS 203: Summary of Learning – Final Blog Post and Video

  1. Evolution of understanding: Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Realizing how much education has changed over the years
  • Acknowledging and celebrating positive change and growth
  • Being a forward-thinker and anticipating and propelling movements for socially justice oriented social change
  1. My approach to curriculum and pedagogy
  • Indigenous Education and Indigenous Pedagogy
  • Nature Based Curriculum
  • Social Justice Oriented Education Approach
  1. Space for growth and evolution in my own processes
  • So much more to learn about queer pedagogy. This is an area where I would like to grow and develop more as an educator. Spending time reviewing the latest research and blogs, as well as sitting down with a Judith Butler book (or two) are on my focus list.
  • Analyzing curriculum documents is hard work! It takes time, focus, concentration and tenacity! It can be dry – it can be confusing – it can feel overwhelming. It requires dedication and grit! And yet there is so much in depth understanding that comes as a result!
  • Developing more compassion for perspectives different than my own. Especially ones that are less than compassionate towards social justice or that do not see the depths of struggles of other marginalized groups of people.
  1. Learning Theorists 

We were introduced to all kinds of amazing education theorists. Here were some of my favourites:

Paulo Friere 

Judith Butler 

John Dewey

Indigenous Scholars

Dwayne Donald

Cynthia Chambers

Aparna Mishna Tarc