Summary of Learning

Summary of Learning

Welcome to review my Summary of Learning for EC&I 830!

Here is the link you can view as a full-screen:



  • Kimberly Kipp

    Echo, this is so creative and well-structured. Were you able to complete this all on Genially? Very cool!
    Thank you for all the great discussion in class, and the excellent additional resources/articles you shared in Discord. Best wishes in all your future learning adventures.

    • Echo

      Thank you Kimberly! I first want to use Thinglink, but it has to pay to share the link 🙁 Genially is great. It free to share!

      Thank you so much for all the reources you shared. You always help out on the blog. I actually learned a lot from you! Thank you!

      All the best to your future study too!

      Have a wonderful summer!


  • Michael

    Hi Echo,

    Thank you for sharing your Summary of Learning. I haven’t used Genially yet, but a couple of our fellow students have, and I am intrigued by how it works.

    Embedding an audio file into your mind map is an excellent way to format your learning summary. It revealed a lot about your thoughts on the various concepts. As an online principal I was interested in the thread for ‘online education.’ You addressed so many of the thoughts and concerns I have about online learning.

    Once again, this is well made. It must have taken a lot of time to complete. I appreciate your sharing in class and on your blog. Thank you for contributing to my learning too.

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