Cyber shaming is the bitter reality of today’s world that does not require a lot to achieve bad things. I agree with what Jon Ronson has mentioned in an article that even one tweet can ruin your life. It can put someone on the edge that can take years to be out of that trauma. In my opinion, it’s necessary to be aware of emerging media resources without ignoring the fact of being more responsible using it. I agree with what Katia mentioned in her article, My example of Cyber sleuthing, “Sadly, catfishing for the cat fisher might be a fun game for me, but it’s not a laughing matter for many others.” Like if you don’t know how to identify and deal with that cat fisher, it’ll be hard to . I think everyone might have an experience of cyber sleuthing or might have been a victim of fraud, someway, personally or with someone in their family. I have a couple examples in my family where they lost their money by trusting their friend and they didn’t even imagine that they could be a victim of fraud by the third party involving their own, so-called friend. The aftereffects ware tragic and painful. I think it’s easier to forget minor loss, but if it’s attached to someone’s dignity, it can be heartbreaking and can ruin your self-esteem and personality for a long run. As we know, it has become so convenient to have access to any kind of social media resources, but there are many people who don’t take care of digital safety. It’s getting challenging to keep you safe from the effects of cyber shaming. I believe everyone should be accountable for their actions, mainly, all adults/parents have to play a vital role, as they are the role models to teach their kids to adopt any positive/negative acts.