Learning to Bake with a Good-fellow: Introduction to my Learning Project

Beginning my learning project, I wanted to pick a task that I could use for future growth and a task that could be useful for my peers. I began talking with my parents and after discussing back and forth, we decided that something useful could be baking. This sounded awesome as tasty baking is always delightful. However, I have been privileged enough to always be handed baking and I have never had to make any. Basically, I am starting my learning project from level one.

Moving forward with this project, I plan to continue my baking project every weekend by creating a new dish or food while progressively getting more difficult each weekend or every second weekend. This will allow me to expand my skill set and hopefully be successful at baking many dishes in the near future. Within the past week, I have not done any baking but rather been researching beginner tips online. One website that I found, provided very common, but important tips when it comes to baking. Keeping all of these ideas in my head will be crucial to being successful.

One way that I plan on evaluating myself is to have both my parents taste test my creations. Obviously, this may go south the first couple of times… (haha). But I am hoping they stick with me and provide feedback in both positive and negative manners.

I hope all of you are as excited as I am as we embark on our learning journeys!

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One Response to Learning to Bake with a Good-fellow: Introduction to my Learning Project

  1. Jerico says:

    This is a brilliant choice for the learning project! I for one took Foods class in high school and competed in cooking competitions as well so I can provide some insight into your journey. As simple as it may seem, I would recommend trying to do haystack cookies and lemonade as your first creation. These two recipes will teach you the fundamentals and importance of measurement in baking. Cooking is very different from baking in that there is a lot of subjectivity like knowing when onions are cooked or the crispness of a slice of toast. Baking, however, is the marriage of science and food. It is an exact science with exact measurements. I hope that I can follow along with your project and provide help where I can!

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