Baking is over…. Or is it?

Hey all,

It is that time to wrap up my learning project. It has been such a successful journey for myself through the task of baking. Starting off with little to no knowledge, I have come a long ways and I am proud of myself.

Week 1:

This week I did a very brief overview and introduction while research some of the best and most common tips when it comes baking. I found some that were EXTREMELY true (haha) and some that were not necessary to be included.

Week 2:

I gave my initial thoughts in this post. About options of what I could begin to bake in week 3. I was excited at this point to move forward and finally start my project.

Week 3:

FINALLY! I ended up making chocolate chip muffins this week and OH BOY, they turned out awesome. This was definitely one of my most successful bake, take it is was very simple, haha.

I decided to use TikTok for this week and it has a great privacy setting. You can save your video to your drafts or restrict the public from seeing it.

This is my process:

Week 4:

This week, I got to make Halloween themed cupcakes! I used a chocolate batter with orange frosting on top. They were good but not as good as the muffins! I can still taste those on my tongue…

Week 5:

Moving forward, I decided to make gingersnap cookies. For some reason gingersnap to me is always associated with Halloween… so I kept with the trend! This was also a great suggestion from Jerico! Thanks again.

Here is the final result:

They turned out awesome!

Week 6:

Keeping it spooky one last time, I decided to search up a recipe and then put a twist on it. I found a chocolate chip recipe but then put the Pilsbury pumpkin cookie in the middle! See below:

Week 7:

We switched it back up…. I wanted revenge at those cupcakes. This time, I went vanilla batter with just white frosting.

These ones do not look as good as the previous ones but they sure tasted better!

Week 8:

I took one week off from baking and decided to further my research and knowledge about baking in preparation to bake buns. I gained suggestions and what not to do from online resources and prepared to bake.

Week 9:

Baking buns! We have arrived. I used a pretty good recipe that I would recommend. However, I despise kneading the dough. It stunk!

Week 10:And here we are. We have come to the conclusion. Time to wrap it up.

Reflecting and assessing on my learning is difficult to put a value to but overall, I have improved drastically. As seen in my title, I am not going to stop baking. I am going to keep my journey going and keep pursuing baking. I want to further my skills as it is a great life skill to have.

My biggest challenge was motivation at first but after making the muffins, that quickly went away and it turned into frustration. Not having my chocolate cupcake or buns work out made me disappointed. I understand it is hard to complete something to near perfection the first time but I just expected more (not sure why) haha. Learning online is a different aspect than learning from teachers and I am grateful for the opportunity.



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