Learning to read for pleasure (again)

I have been an avid book collector for many years, I love researching books and reading reviews, going to bookstores, talking about books previously read with my friends, and going to my sister-in-law’s book club, basically everything but reading the darn book! I am learning to slow down and stay put. I am one of those who needs about fifty things going on around them to concentrate, so sitting and reading for hours was just never possible. Now, as I am getting older and learning skills to help with my concentration, I would like to use this time granted to me to get back into the metaphorical saddle and start reading some of the hundreds of books I own. I recently purchased myself a pair of AirPods, which have helped me more than I ever expected in regard to concentration. Having music or a podcast on while doing other tasks has made it so I don’t feel so sensory lacking while doing them, and all of a sudden, my dishes are always done! And my laundry is, as a rule, dealt with. All of a sudden I feel like I am capable of adulting!

Another reason I want to start reading again is I am trying very hard to have much less screen time. I am a total iPad kid and never grew out of it. I am so dependent on stimuli and being busy, and will often get so distracted with my phone when I am not being kept busy with work that I will doom scroll for hours on the weekends. I want to have something that can keep me entertained while also keeping me relaxed which I don’t feel is poisoning my brain with the constant overstimulation. I want my brain to become more accustomed to fewer stimuli, and maybe over time, I will be able to enjoy other “slow” activities I couldn’t before.

This is a photo of some of the book collections I have, in total, I have about 150 books.
These are the two fiction novels I have chosen for this project.
Another example of my morbid curiosity! Sometimes you just can’t help but want to know.

The books I am starting with are going to be Carry On by Rainbow Rowel, One Last Stop by Casey McQuinston and Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty. There’s no elaborate story behind why I have chosen these books, just mainly amazing reviews, harsh peer pressure, and morbid curiosity. I enjoy non-fiction, but I can only read it for so long before getting bored, and Rainbow Rowel and my lack of knowledge of their literature has been a contentious topic between my best friend and I for years now. The other one just looks good so I want to read it. It’s not that complicated, I just need to jump in, and lucky for you all, you’re being brought on the journey. Wish me luck!

3 thoughts on “Learning to read for pleasure (again)

  1. Hi Cheyenne! I think your idea for this project is good, not only as a project, but for your wellbeing! I too, find myself as a scroller especially in the night time… and find that an hour can go by in what feels like a few minutes. I think that getting into the reading aspect of books is super important when trying to relax, however, I find it difficult to just sit still and read as well. I am excited to see where this takes you, and maybe your posts can help me slowly get into reading too!

  2. Hi Cheyenne!

    Wow! That is a lot of books! I also love collecting books and find it hard to sit down and actually read them (I too, am a doom-scrolling iPad kid). I love that part of your motivation for this journey is to learn to live without constant stimulation! That is a very relatable problem for so many people in this new, digital age. I have “One Last Stop” on my reading list so I am so excited to read your thoughts on it. Good luck on this journey!

    1. Such an iPad kid! I genuinely wonder all the time about how the unrestricted internet and screen time access affected my growing brain. I was born in that time frame where people didn’t really connect like they do now via social media, so not many shared or talked about screen time, or even really knew the dangers of the internet, and I got an iPod Touch for my tenth birthday. Trying now to rewire my brain but the iPad kid is honestly just a core personality trait at this point.

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