Hello Everybody!

My name is Cheyenne, I am currently in the BEAD program, I recently finished my first degree which was a Bachelor of Social Work. I am 25 years old, I love dogs, I live in Yorkton Saskatchewan and I have never had a blog before. I am typically quite a private person online, most of my social medias are locked down in as many ways as possible, and even then I still very rarely post about myself or happenings in my life. Needless to say, I am somewhat reluctant. Because of this I have chosen to take some precautions to keep this private from the outside world, mainly the very nosey children I work with, but am hoping with time my ability to comfortably share in this space will improve with time.

My most prized possession and my most loved companion is my dog, Thatcher. He is a Cane Corso, and 120 pounds. He is very protective of me, and makes me feel safe whenever he is around. I got him when I turned 20, and h has been my soul dog since. For all the classes he has participated in, he definitely deserves at least a certificate of some sorts. He is cranky and has no patience for anybody except me, so I would also hope he would never ever use said certificate.

This is a picture of my boy!

I have worked with children my entire life, I joke that the age range I have experience with is newborn to 18, but honestly, it is true. As a social worker, I had to help with babies who where withdrawing, I have also volunteered to do that outside of a career. I also worked in daycare for many years and have my ECE level one and two, and the ages I worked with then where infants (12-18 months), and preschoolers (2.5-5 years), I also have run summer programs for school age children. I then began working in the school system working primarily with elementary and middle years, as well as have worked in group homes for this age range. I am currently working in a high school, and did my practicum for my BSW in a group home for teenagers. I just enjoy children so much more than adults, what can I say.

My goal in life is to one day be a school counselor, preferably in a high school setting. Until that day comes, I am working as an EA and taking classes, and will then probably sub until a position that is relevant to me opens up. I am excited that we are all on this amazing journey together!


2 thoughts on “Hello Everybody!

  1. Hey Cheyenne,

    I am also from Yorkton! I have two dogs myself who currently live with my mom. (Your boy is so handsome). I also was an EA last year while doing online classes, it was the best experience and made me certain that I wanted to go into teaching.

    1. Hi Jaida! I remember the first day somebody sharing they where in Yorkton, I am glad you commented on my post! I love that you have two dogs also, and also an EA? When can we get this friendship rolling? Seriously! Connect with me sometime and we can discuss classes and dogs and work, we can maybe even call it ‘networking’ if you want to be professional about it! I look forward to learning whatever we have in common, and hopefully more about your dogs!

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