Nowadays, everything revolves around technology. Digitalization plays a vital role in the learning and teaching process. Computer-based Internet-hosted learning management systems (LMS) are rapidly being adopted worldwide for distance education, and are also being applied to blended (hybrid) education.
Self- Development, in my understanding, is a purposeful activity of the individual aimed at improving the quality of skills and abilities. Therefore, to develop myself internally and to go in-depth about this Techworld, I am choosing the topic “Personal Journey into Media” as my Major Project. This journey will help me in learning more about the digital world. Since this class has been started, I am trying to come out of my comfort zone as I have never explored much about different apps. but with time now I have realized that everything around us is related to technology and digital citizenship and media literacy play an important role. Technology will undoubtedly continue to evolve, and being an educator it’s important to adjust our classroom style to align with its advancements.

So, I am diving into it and hope you all will give suggestions and feedback in my Journey to Media. Looking Forward to learn from all of you! Thankyou 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration with your blog Gunpreesh! I agree much of education and life is moving more and more to the realm of the digital world, so literacy in this sense is important as a citizen and professional. Good luck with your journey.
Thank you so much, Dylan! It’s good to hear that people are there to share new experiences and thoughts.
I agree that these days digitalization of education is need for us as one can learn by from any part of the world. Looking forward to your personal journey in media. Good Luck!
I hope I come up with new learnings for everyone. Thanks Amanpreet.
I completly agree, nowadays digital media has become an inseprable parts of everyone. Looking forward to learning with you. Good luck!!!
Digital citizenship and literacy are important for an ever-changing and growing world filled with technological advancements. How we conduct ourselves online is important, and teaching students about it is key to learning and understanding our digital footprints.
Kelly, I agree with your comment and now it’s important for us to explore, think and learn more about the digital world as everything now id=s about media literacy.
I think you will find this project to be useful, Gunpreesh. As you said, it is important for us as educators to change with the world around us. Even if we are still a step or two behind many of our students, it is important for us to try to keep up with them! Good luck!
Thanks for this motivation Chris! I appreciate your comment and I hope I will be getting feedback from my peer group in my journey.