My Time with TheMakeupChair

Hello everyone and welcome to week 2 of my learning Journey with make-up!

From May 12 till the 20th, I have been focusing on eye looks using a source from YouTube called TheMakeupChair. Throughout this time, I used three videos to create four looks. The first video of hers I watched was the Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial.

I really enjoyed this video of hers as she provided many visuals, such as arrows and outlines, and verbal explanations for the parts of the eye and where the shadow should go. For example, she used the terminology ‘crease of your eye’, while providing arrows to show the area she meant. It was also easy to follow along with, had very few steps, and was a simple look that could be done with any eyeshadow pallet.

Screenshot of woman with her eye closed. She points end of makeup brush at her eye, which shows the crease with arrows and a line.
An example of the visuals provided in this video.

I thoroughly enjoyed this tutorial, enough so that I used it twice over this time. I was very happy with the outcome the first time I did this look. The browns were soft and blended well together. There was a noticeable contour and highlight on the lid. I also loved how my wing turned out that day. However, in my second attempt, I seem to have gone very heavy-handed with the shadows. The entire lid looks the same colour with a light shimmer visible. Although, I do like how the wing turned out this day as well.

Zoom in of a closed eye. Eyelid is covered with a few shades of light brown and a little shimmer. There is a small wind visible near the upper lash line.
My first attempt at the ‘Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial’ on May 12.
Close-up of closed eye. Lid is covered in a dark brown with a shimmer. there is a wing on the outer corner.
My second attempt at ‘Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial’ on May 15th







The second video of hers I used was the ‘Beginners Eye Make-up Tutorial Using Blue Eyeshadow’. This video of TheMakeupChair was harder to follow than the other two I used. Visuals were still used but not for every step she took. She put makeup on the lid in different shapes in areas I was struggling to find. I also struggled as the blue shadows I had were a lot darker and not as shimmery as the one she used in the video. The outcome is not overly similar to the video, as my lid looks all the same colour and the blue on the inner corner is not bright. I was also not a fan of the liner that I did for this look. However, I would try this eye look again but spend more time placing the shadows in the correct spots and blending them out more.

Close-up of a closed eye. The lid is covered in a shimmery bronze colour. The inner corner is a dark blue with blue sparkles on top. There is a medium-sized wing along the lash line.
My first and only attempt at ‘Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial Using Blue Eyeshadow’ on May 16

The third video I used from this source was ‘Barbie Girl Eye Makeup in 5 Easy Steps’. She, again, provided visuals for the areas where the shadow was supposed to go. She also provides tips she has found useful in her experience to make the process easier. I honestly wish I would have started with this video of hers, due to these factors and how few steps were involved in the look. This is my favourite look using the source TheMakeupChair, as I created a distinct difference between the crease and lid. I also really like the wing I made. 

Close-up of a closed eye. The crease of the eye has a darker pink, while the lid is light pink with pink sparkles. There is a medium-sized black wing at the outer corner of the eye.
My first attempt at ‘Barbie Girl Eye Makeup in 5 EASY STEPS’ on May 17th.

Overall, I really enjoyed this creator and will probably use her videos again, as she has many great tips and provides visuals. 

I also did a few looks this week without using an online source, as I did not have time to follow a video. The first one was a gold highlighter on the lid with a small winged liner

Close-up of a closed eye. The lid is covered in shimmer and there is a small wing in the outer corner.
My make-up on May 19th. No source used.

The second was a big winged liner with three small flowers. I included one light blue, dark blue, and purple flower, each with its leaves. I made the flowers using coloured liquid liner. 

Close-up of the side of closed eye. There are three flowers beside the wing: one light blue, one dark blue, and one purple. Each flower has a green leaf.
Make-up I did on May 20th. No source used.
Tips I learned this week:
  1. Start with lighter shades and progress to darker. Makes blending out the shadow a little easier. 
  2. Can use lighter shades or a clean blending brush to blend out colours and lines
  3. Priming the lids helps shadows stick to the eye
  4. Important to keep your eyes open when doing shadows. 
  5. Put liquid liner on the open side of a bobby pin and place it on the outer corner of the eye. Provides an outline of a wing, and can be helpful if you have shaky hands.

Thank you for reading this post!

2 thoughts on “My Time with TheMakeupChair

  1. Hi Hailey,

    Thank you for sharing this. I’ve never used makeup before, and I’m eager to learn how to apply it in a way that looks natural. Wishing you an enjoyable journey as you explore makeup techniques through this learning project. Your eye makeup on May 19th looked really natural, and the floral accents you added on May 20th were incredibly artistic!

  2. Hi Hailey, Eye makeup is seriously tricky to master.I think you are doing a fantastic job! The flowers are so cute in the May 20th picture (such a fun detail). Hoping I can get some tips about eye liner application by reading your posts.

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