EAL/ESL Elementary Lesson Plan

Lesson One

Target audience: ​ESL Grade 3 students
Learner Level: ​Intermediate
Class Size: ​20
Lesson Length: ​50 minutes

Skills: ​Listening & Writing
Theme: ​The Four Seasons

Terminal Objectives: Students will be able to…
–  Obtain specific information regarding the four seasons.
–  Demonstrate an improvement in listening and writing skills.
Enabling Objectives: Students will be able to…
–  Use terms to identify what each season means through discussion in the warm-up
–  Demonstrate the ability to organize and categorize terms.
–  Listen to the story and determine the missing words on the fill in the blank activity
–  Complete the second activity sheet about themselves and their season preference.
–  Share something they have learned with the class.

Materials and Equipment:
–  Attendance Sheet
–  White Board and Dry Erase Markers
–  Short Story (if possible, find PDF copy to print for each student).
–  Fill in the blank activity sheet.
– My favorite season activity sheet.

Introduction (5 Minutes)
–  The teacher will take attendance
–  Ask the students to turn to their neighbors and ask what activities
they did the night before (initiating a conversation).
–  The teacher will ask students if they have any questions about the last day’s class.

Warm-Up Activity: (5-10 Minutes)
–  The teacher will introduce the new theme; Seasons.
–  The teacher will create a large chart on the whiteboard (T-Shape). Four spaces
for Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.
–  Ask the students what each season means to them by raising their
hands and T will write the answers in the chart.
–  Ask what seasons the students prefer the most and what activities
they can do during that season.

Main Task: (35 Minutes)
–  The teacher will read a short story about the four seasons. Students are to listen very closely. (Poem in APPENDIX A).
–  The teacher will hand out a worksheet (fill in the blank). ***Note: A word bank of missing words will be included. (APPENDIX B).
–  The teacher will read the story again for the students to complete their fill in the blank worksheet. Students will continue to do this after the teacher completes the story. Students fill in missing words on the worksheet.
–  T walks around the room to check on the students.
–  Once everyone is completed, T will hand out another activity sheet.
My Favourite Season Activity Sheet. (APPENDIX C).
–  On the same worksheet, students will now describe which season is
their favorite. They can use the terms that were put on the whiteboard and draw a picture if they so choose to.

Closing: (5 Minutes)
–  Students will share with the class one thing that they learned during this lesson.
–  The teacher will share a plan for the next day’s lesson.

–  The teacher will make observations of the student’s comprehension of the subject by listening to them speak and watching them write their answers on the activity sheet.
–  The teacher will take note of each student’s progression of their skills throughout the lesson.

Short Story → ​https://www.math-only-math.com/seasons.html


APPENDIX B) FILL IN THE BLANK + WORD BANK – from the short story
Fill In The Blank + Word Bank Activity
Lesson Plan 1 – Handout 2 Activity

Lesson Two

Target audience: ​ESL Grade 3 students
Learner Level: ​Intermediate
Class Size: ​20
Lesson Length: ​50 minutes

Skills: ​Reading & Speaking
Theme: ​The Four Seasons

Terminal Objectives: Students will be able to…
– Demonstrate comprehension of using reading and speaking skills in a variety of activities.
Enabling Objectives:Students will be able to…
– Work together in pairs and groups while organizing cards to create a season’s chart.
– Enhance their comprehension of vocabulary words of the four seasons.
– Demonstrate the ability to read a poem to their partner.
– Share their own stories and experiences related to the seasons and weather with their classmates.

Materials and Equipment:
–  Attendance sheet.
–  Weather and season flashcards.
–  Poster boards, glue sticks, and writing utensils.
–  Poem and poem worksheet.

Pre-Task: Introduction (5 Minutes) and Warm-Up (10 Minutes)
– The teacher will take attendance.
– The teacher will ask the students what they did the evening before and they are planning on doing this evening (this is to initiate the
conversation and work on speaking skills).
– The teacher will assign students into groups of 3-4 and hand out a set of 29 weather and season flashcards to each group. (APPENDIX A).
– The teacher will explain the “What’s the Weather like Today?” charades
1. The teacher will assign the L2 students into pairs based on their language level, to ensure that each L2 student
2. Teacher will give each group the 25 weather condition
3. Students place them upside down and shuffle them around.
4. One student will begin by grabbing a card and describing
the image of the weather condition by vocalizing other words that will match the theme, using physical actions, and/ or drawing the image. With the clues presented, the other partner has to guess what the flashcard is.
5. Partners then switch and the activity is repeated until all flashcards have been guessed correctly.

Main Task: (30 Minutes)
Weather to Season Matching game (Same as APPENDIX A): (15 Minutes)
– The teacher will tell students to return back to the same groups as the
warm-up activity.
– The groups will work together to organize each weather
condition card with the correct season card.
– Once the groups complete this activity, T will ensure that it
is correct and then hand out large poster boards and glue
– The students will attach the cards to the poster board in the
correct order and will label the poster board “The Four
Poem (APPENDIX B): (15 Minutes)
– The teacher will assign new partners to the students and hand out a poem about the four seasons.
– Each student will take turns reading the poem to one another.
– Students will have a discussion with their partner after they both read the poem. What stood out to them, what did they learn about the seasons? Were there any new words that they discovered?

Closing: (5 Minutes)
– The teacher will ask the students if they can recap any new information or vocabulary words that the students learned throughout the lesson.
– The students will have the opportunity to tell stories about any season that comes to mind.

– The teacher will observe the students’ skill set on reading and speaking.
– The teacher will observe how the students are able to work together in organizational activity.
– The teacher will observe how each student is reading the poems to their

https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-powerpoints/vocabulary/sea sons/season-weather-poems/38729
FLASHCARDS https://esllibrary.com/flashcard_genres/15/flashcard_categories/11 0



Lesson Three

Target audience: ​ESL Grade 3 students
Learner Level: ​Intermediate
Class Size: ​20
Lesson Length: ​50 minutes

Skills: ​Grammar
Theme: ​The Four Seasons

Terminal Objectives: Students will be able to…
– Obtain specific information about the seasons and weather and fellow classmates by
using wh-questions.
Enabling Objectives: Students will be able to…
–  Respond and ask questions about the seasons and weather by using wh-questions in a
variety of activities.
–  Work in pairs and use wh-questions in the warm-up activity.
–  Work in groups and play a new game with the focus being on asking proper wh-questions to group members.
–  Demonstrate an understanding of interviewing a fellow classmate.
–  Practice using their vocabulary and improve overall speaking, writing, and listening skills.

Materials and Equipment:
–  Attendance sheet.
–  Dry erase markers and whiteboard.
–  Chase the weather cards.
–  Interview activity worksheet.

Pre-Task: Introduction (5 Minutes) and Warm-Up (5 Minutes)
–  The teacher will take attendance, this time T will ask in a wh-question form, for example. “Where is _____?”, the student will respond with, “I am here!”.
– The teacher will assign students into pairs. The teacher will write on board the wh-questions are (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How) and hand out a question worksheet (APPENDIX A). The students will begin by asking wh-questions to their partner.

Main Task: (35 Minutes)
–  The teacher will introduce a new activity called “Chase the Weather” card game to the students. (20 Minutes).
–  The teacher will assign 3-5 students into groups and hand out 58 weather and season flashcards to each group. (APPENDIX B).
1. Before beginning, if any player has a matching pair, they take them out of their hand and place them beside them making it their pile of matches.
2. Player on the right of the dealer goes first, they ask another player, for example, “Do you have a sun?”, the chosen player responds with either, “Yes, I have the sun!” or “No, chase the weather!”.
3. If the player responds with “Yes”, they have to give the player that card. If they respond “No”, that player must reach into the shuffled pile and grab another card. If the card they picked up matches, they place it in their pile of matches. If that player gets the card they asked for from the other player or from the pile, their turn continues.
4. The player who responds with “No, chase the weather!” will have their turn next. Play continues until all cards have been used.
–  Once the game is complete, T instructs an interview-style gap activity. T hands out an interview worksheet to all students. (15 Minutes).
–  T places students into new pairs (who they did not play within the previous activity).
–  One student will interview, the other person responds, and then switch roles.
–  The students will record their interview answers on the worksheet. (APPENDIX C).

Closing: (5 Minutes).
–  The teacher will ask if any students want to share their partners’ interview with the class.
–  Students will share answers if they choose.

–  The teacher will make a note of how the students are able to comprehend and utilize wh-questions.
–  The teacher will closely observe how each student interacts with one another while working in pairs and larger groups (to ensure that all students are getting the opportunity to practice their skill sets).
–  The teacher will observe the strengths and weaknesses of students when using wh-questions to see where more focus needs to be applied.

– Flashcards https://esllibrary.com/flashcard_genres/15/flashcard_categories/110

Lesson Plan 3 – WH-questions worksheet

Lesson Plan 3 – Interview Worksheet