Week 8

For this week’s blog post, I chose to take pictures of my walk through the University of Regina. I was heading to my classes while taking these photos. The first image was taken when I was sitting in the library part of the Teacher Prep Classroom (TPC) working on a few assignments. The first photo was taken in the elevator in the education building going up to my class that was on the third floor. The last photo is when I was walking into the building after getting off the elevator. I spend the majority of my time in the education building as most of the classes are in that building. I love it when I see the faculty of education sign because each time I see it, it reminds me of how thankful I am that I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life.

While taking these photos, I have been feeling many emotions. I’m beginning to feel stressed because the end of the semester is getting closer. Which is weird because it feels like the semester just started. I am also feeling very happy and excited because the end of the semester is almost here and that Christmas is very close!