I Was Slacking This Week…

Week Recap

My progress is going very slowly because I had a super busy week with assignments as well as spending Easter watching my little sister play hockey! They won ‘B’ side.






(Just wanted to let everyone know I made these pom-poms from dollar store table cloth as well as ducktape).

Back To My Learning Project

This week I decided to learn a new song. My goal was to learn a new song every month, and I have been slacking a bit on that. I decided this week I should try to learn a new one. I look at the song Riptide which is a classic ukulele song. I used YouTube as my resource once again this week. I have only used YouTube and Chordify to learn songs and next week my goal is to find a different resource to use.

I love love love how the chords are placed at the bottom of the screen, so I don’t have to worry about memorizing where my fingers should go. I always find that the videos are way to fast for me so I end up pausing the video and playing the chords at my own speed. This video also had a little blue wave that went over top of each note for me to know how long I should play the note for. I really enjoyed for the into (the only part I have really mastered and can play at the same pace as the video). I feel like I will love it once I can play at the same speed and the video.

I did not put as much time as I normally do into practicing the ukulele this week but that is okay. Sometimes life has different plans for us! My goal for this upcoming week is to double my practice times on 3 days to make up for me slacking this past week.


2 Replies to “I Was Slacking This Week…”

  1. Kelsey Haas says: Reply

    Hi Jaida,
    It’s awesome that you were able to watch your sister and her team win!
    I have also struggled with YouTube videos going too fast for me to learn from. I now alter the playback speed of the video to slow down. There’s lots of speeds to choose from so you could slow it down just a little bit or quite a bit depending on what suits you the best!

  2. Kelsey Gibson says: Reply

    Jaida, I love your dollar store pom poms! Very clever, I would never think to make them like that.
    Slacking is a okay, it’s good to take breaks sometimes – especially when you’re learning muscle memory skills. Riptide is such a good song to play on the ukulele! I teach it to most of my classes.
    The way that video is set up is so great, I will definitely be using it when I do my ukulele unit next month 🙂

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