From Novice to Needlework: Captivated by the World of Embroidery


In my previous blog post concerning my project, I mentioned my interest in acquiring a new skill, which is embroidery. To delve deeper into this skill, I began exploring various social media platforms. YouTube and Instagram were particularly useful, with YouTube offering beginner-friendly videos that aided me in commencing my learning journey. Embroidery has always fascinated me, captivating my attention whenever I encounter intricately embroidered fabrics. I appreciate the vibrancy of colorful threads and the enchanting patterns they create. Thanks to Katia, I began my embroidery journey while pursuing my master’s degree. While Instagram pages showcasing embroidery patterns and videos are plentiful, I personally found it challenging to learn from them as a novice. This is not to discredit the educational potential of Instagram; however, I found YouTube to be a more conducive platform for beginners. Its videos allowed me to learn at my own pace, adjusting the playback speed and pausing as needed.


To begin, I extensively watched various videos before deciding on the specific supplies to purchase. Since I possess limited knowledge about embroidery, I compiled a shopping list based on the items mentioned in the videos that would facilitate the process. I acquired colorful threads, different types of needles, an embroidery frame, a pair of scissors, and other necessary materials. Once I gathered all the supplies, the crucial step was to find a suitable instructional video that could guide me in understanding the use of threads, needles, and basic patterns. After conducting a thorough search and exploring multiple videos, I discovered one particular video that proved immensely helpful for me as a beginner.




I followed the steps outlined in the video, although I acknowledged that my skills were not yet on par with the person I was watching. The learning process consumed a considerable amount of time, but I derive satisfaction from the fact that I am acquiring a new and fascinating skill. The instructional video introduced me to various patterns, starting from the basics. The knots I learned from the video included running stitch, back stitch, stem stitch, split stitch, cross stitch, chain stitch, satin stitch, french knot, fern stitch, lazy-daisy, and many more. Although some stitches proved easier to execute than others, I am determined to learn all of them. My motivation extends beyond the requirements of my project; it is driven by my genuine passion for embroidery and the recognition that it will benefit me in the future as well.


10 Replies to “From Novice to Needlework: Captivated by the World of Embroidery”

  1. Wow! This is impressive. Looks like such tedious work! Are you enoying this enjoy thus far? What do you think is the most challenging part? How do you overcome these challenges? I cannot wait to see more!! Good luck on the way!

    1. Hi Raegyn, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am enjoying it because if you read my previous blog post then you’ll know how passionate I am to learn this new skill. Initially, I think it was a bit difficult to understand some of the stitches from a video but I am trying my best to learn it.

  2. That’s great that you have found something that you will want to continue after the conclusion of this course.

    I have also found YouTube a great place for instructional videos; although like anything on the internet, you have to wade through a lot to find the best video for you. There is also that desire to grab everything someone says is important before finding you only need half of the supplies. That is especially important when you find a YouTuber is sponsored and pushing specific items on you.

    I was very tempted to learn a skill for this project as well, enough that I considered doing that in addition to my classroom project. Time dedication scared me away. Good luck!

    1. Hi Mike, Yes, I agree with you sometimes we do purchase things that are not even necessary, but I have purchased a few. Because before buying anything I watched a lot of you-tube videos. And yes, we need to spend more time to become a perfectionist. Thank you and Good luck with your project and class.

  3. I am so excited to see where your project goes! I have tried to dabble in embroidery. My mom is amazing at crossing stitching, which I believe is similar. My most prized possession is my Christmas stocking that my mom crossed stitched. Every time I tried to do it myself I found that I never had enough patience so kudos to you. Is there something that you want to make by the end of the course?

    1. Hi Mariah, Yes, we need patience to learn something new. That’s nice to hear that you’ve something which is hand-made and made by your mom, that is something precious. I believe so, as I am Indian maybe I’ll try to make an embroidered Indian wear for myself. To be honest, If I learned it then I am going to make one for sure.

  4. This looks great so far and I’m excited to see what you create. Embroidery is a hobby and skill that many Ukrainian people share and so I learned to do it at a very young age. I haven’t done it for years so I would also need to look up some videos as a reminder. What are you hoping to make by the end of the course?

    1. Thanks for the reply Roxanne. It’s good to hear that you’ve also learned this skill, you should give it a try. Ummm…may be an Indian wear, but I’m not sure about it.

  5. Hi Jashandeep! I really look forward to learning more about your embroidery journey! I had decided that over the February break, I was going to take up embroidery. I bought a beginner’s cross-stitch kit from amazon and worked on it for about an hour and a half and have yet to return. Your project is definitely inspiring me to pick it up again (if I can find where I put it!)!

  6. Hi Jashandeep,
    Your learning project looks very intriguing and I cannot wait to see more of your skill development. My mother-in-law is skilled in embroidery and I have always admired her perseverance with this skill. It looks like you have a great plan. I appreciated how you shared that youtube videos were the best to learn from as you could stop and take your time. Thanks!

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