“Knots and Hoops: My Social Media Embroidery Adventure”


Each week brings new challenges and discoveries, and I was thrilled to take you along with me on this artistic endeavor. In the initial stages, I carefully selected a design that spoke to my heart and captured my imagination. The patterns and stitches I chose beautifully represent nature, featuring intricate floral motifs and delicate details. It encompasses both elegance and complexity, ensuring a rewarding and fulfilling experience as I bring it to life. 

Social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube are the main tools to complete my project journey. Starting with a blank canvas and a palette of vibrant threads, I meticulously planned out the color scheme, envisioning the final piece in all its glory. I have spent countless hours meticulously stitching each stitch, immersing myself in the rhythmic dance of needle and thread. With each completed section, the design comes alive, revealing its true beauty and captivating me with its charm. 

The project which I started last week for my friend, finally I was able to finish it for him. So, here is the final look –


After completing that one, I started thinking about and exploring Pinterest and Instagram more and more. After a thorough search, I chose two Pinterest designs to work on. They are just figures, and I found them appealing to complete my embroidery journey. So, here is the first one –

The idea I took from Pinterest – 

My journey to complete the pattern –

And the final look, complete it with the help of Chain stitch, Back stitch, French knots and Lazy daisy. 

Throughout this journey, I have encountered moments of triumph and challenges that have pushed my skills to new heights. But every setback has been an opportunity for growth, a chance to refine my technique and embrace the imperfections that make handmade embroidery so special. It is a constant reminder of the value of patience, dedication, and persistence. 

Then I found an amazing pattern on Pinterest, universe head –

I made some amendments in the pattern while stitching it. And here is the final one –  


As I sat down each week to update you on my progress, I am filled with gratitude for the support and encouragement I have received.  Your kind words and constructive feedback have been invaluable sources of motivation, pushing me to go further and explore new creative avenues. 

I anticipated challenges that would test my skills and opportunities to experiment with different techniques. Each stitch was an expression of my creativity and love for this art form, a testament to the countless hours of dedication and the joy it brings me. 

Thank you for joining me with my enchanting journey to weave threads of imagination into splendid creations. 


4 Replies to ““Knots and Hoops: My Social Media Embroidery Adventure””

  1. Thanks for sharing Jashan. I really like your summary of learning. It also provides me a chance to learn more about embroidery. Even though, I have not known about Pinterest to be very honest. But your social media platform that you are using as your favorite social media seems to be very beneficial in our daily lives.

    1. I appreciate your positive feedback, Shelly! Initially, I wasn’t familiar with Pinterest’s purpose, but it has quickly become my go-to platform for learning. The abundance of ideas to explore makes it my favorite. I encourage you to give it a chance and see the vast array of possibilities it offers.

  2. These are such creative and beautiful stitching patterns, Jashandeep. Very well done! These look like quite challenging artistic endeavours, so I hope you have enjoyed your time learning and practicing new designs and techniques. Is this something that you hope to continue with in the future? Are there any projects or ideas that you are still wanting to play around with?

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Michael! I thoroughly enjoyed this learning journey and it has inspired me to continue pursuing it in the future. One of my long-held dreams was to learn embroidery, and I’m grateful that this course allowed me to fulfill that dream, thanks to Katia. I have been gathering numerous ideas on Pinterest and saving them regularly. My intention is to engage in aesthetic projects, such as embroidering traditional Indian garments. I already have many other ideas in mind, so this journey is truly endless and full of possibilities.

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