My name is Jelisa Bjola. I am currently completing my second year in the Faculty of Education program. I was a huge Drama and Musical Theatre nerd in high school, which is why I chose to pursue a career in teaching! My goal is to become the real-life Miss Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. To paint a picture: I aspire to be attentive to my future students, encouraging them to think outside the box and use their creativity!
I am majoring in English, so I have turned into quite the Shakespearean scholar. Choosing the major I did pairs very well with my minor, if it wasn’t obvious already; Drama. Now, what truly inspired me to become a teacher one day? My answer would have to be the Drama teacher I had in my own high school years– Mrs. N. She is an amazing teacher, always full of energy and a great role model.
I have two younger brothers who I am grateful to spend some quality time with over the summer, as I am taking classes remotely from home. We have two cats– Weezie and Sylvester. Weezie is about six years old, and she isn’t a fan of people too much. Sylvester is four, and he is just like a puppy. He will chirp and follow me around the house wherever I go. He loves people and other animals.

I’ve taken several online and remote classes, so I have a little bit of experience with education technology and virtual meetings. Zoom meetings are very convenient, and I have become a fan of using the program with my own learning. I’m very familiar with Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Sites– as I have used the platform to create other ePortfolios for past classes, Microsoft Teams, Edsby; among others. One of my favourite platforms would have to be Kahoot! though it is rarely used for educational purposes nowadays. The Kahoot! platform was a great way to test your students’ knowledge, quick reflexes, and memorization skills. The game consists of multiple choice questions with a time limit. The student who can collect the most points by clicking on the correct answer wins, as well as the top three contenders being displayed on the screen.
I have some experience with blogging. As mentioned earlier, I have created an ePortfolio before, and it included various blog posts to reflect on my time out “in the field” in a classroom setting for my placement last year in ECS 101. One distinct difference is that I had used Google Sites, so I am learning to navigate Edusites, as it is a new program for me.
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Hi Jelisa! Thanks for a great first post. I love the picture of your cats!! One tip I would give you for this post and your future ones is to try and incorporate hyperlinks within your posts (ex. when referring to Kahoot!, you could create a hyperlink for that word that can take your readers right to the Kahoot! website). Overall, good post!